Jealousy and heartbreak

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"Lucas" I look up at him in surprise. "Yeah?" He asked. "Thank you for helping me calm down" I smile at him shyly and then hug him. He hugged me back but then a throat clearing itself startled us.

"You guys ready to go in or shall we leave you out here? "Gabe said in an annoyed voice. "Yeah, we are coming," I say as I go into the hospital and cover my eyes and link with my brother what room he is in. He tells me he's in room 1946 and it was on floor 10 so I go to the elevator.

I got to the room before the boys somehow, but I couldn't get myself to go in as my nerves were up again. What if he's mad at me for putting him in the hospital? What if he just wanted me to come to yell at me for being so- so broken....

As I was going through all the what if's I didn't realize my breathing was off. The boys were in front of me trying to get my attention. I started to feel lightheaded and dizzy. Then there were doctors rushing over to me. I don't know who went to get them. The boys were talking to one of the nurses. Suddenly everything went dark, and I accepted it.

~~~ Gabriel's POV

(When in the car.)

I wanted to help her. I knew she was struggling with herself, but I couldn't I was in the back. Lucas who was in the row next to Mia. The only way I know she was struggling was because when Lucas put his hand on her leg, I could see it was bouncing. I know that if she bounces her leg, she is nervous, scared, or uncomfortable. Which to understand right now she is probably nervous. I just couldn't help it I felt a little jealous of Lucas.

After we got to the hospital. Mia got out the door after Lucas then he hugged her from behind. She looks up and looks shocked and confused at the same time. They say some words, then they hug. For some reason that made me jealous that she wasn't hugging me. So, I did what I thought of first clearing my throat to interrupt the hug. Yes, I know I'm being a jerk right now, but she will be mine eventually.

After we start walking in Mia closed her eyes and then moved to the elevator like she knew where Asher's room was. I don't remember anyone mentioning it to her, then again, I could have zoned out in the car.

After we get to the elevator's ninth floor, we see Mia on the wall farthest from the elevator door. She looked paler than normal. Ethan quickly moved to her, looks like he is trying to get her attention. Then Ethan yelled at one of us to get some doctors, just as the door opened to show us floor 10, I got more worried for her. I didn't know what was going on. Things were going in slow motion. I don't know when the doctors got here. I don't know when a heart monitor started going wild. Everything was getting too much for me. I think that Lucas noticed this.

~~ Lucas's POV

(when they in the hospital after Mia went off to the elevators)

As we were walking into the elevator after Mia, I went to hit the button for level 10, but it was already pressed? I went over to Ethan in the corner to ask him something. "How does she know what room her brother is in? None of us mentioned it to her?" I asked as me and Ethan were behind of Gabe and Dav. "They are really close what you expect. She could have texted him before we got here without us noticing" Ethan responded. True she could of before she started to get nervous again. I still don't get why she is so nervous to see her brother. "Hey Ethan? Why do you think that Mai is so nervous to her brother?" I ask. Ethan sighed. "I don't know Luke... She's had a hard time ever since she moved to her band... She had a hard life there...only Asher, Jackie, and I know how bad it truly is... And let's just say she might think her brother would be disappointed in her... Or a lot of other things..." he responded. Hmm that does seem to make sense a little bit. Scared of judgment.

All of this sudden as we got closer to Asher's floor, Ethan went to the other side of the elevator quickly. I was confused till I looked at where he was. There was Mai on the ground, pale, breathing heavy and not responding to Eth getting her attention. Eth yelled at one of us to get some doctors. I ran off after the elevator opened to find some doctors and told them short story that a friend was having a bad panic attack. They ran after me as I took them to where Mai was being slowly walked to a chair near the elevator. She was paler than when we first saw her.

They instantly made Ethan move out the way. Started working on her, but she pasted out before they could help her fully. They quickly yelled for a stretcher and after that rolled her off somewhere. I looked over to Gabe as I know he likes Mai. I see him in his head. That is never good I go over to him, but then as we start toward Asher's room to tell him what is going on we hear a heart motor started going off as we get closer to Asher's room, we see a bunch of doctors' rush into the room and the beeping getting louder as we get closer to his room. I quickly went over to Gabe to get him to sit down before he hurt himself. I watched as doctors ran to Asher's room. I feel a few tears run down my face. My best friend is in bad health right not blood sister is also fighting to stay.... I'm losing my family... yes, they aren't my physical family, but they are close friends. I may have not known Kei as long as Asher, but I've been with Ash when he is on call with her. She is really sweet if you know her and are willing to wait till, she lets you in.

I start to feel a few tears on my shoulder... but they weren't mine... I hug Gabriel to me... "it's going to be okay Gabe.... they both are fighters.... they will get through this..." I say trying to comfort both me and Gabe.

Ethan left while David was trying to see what was going on with Asher. It didn't look that good right now as his face still showed sadness and had no hope... all of us are struggling to keep it together... We hear another heart motor going was coming from the direction they rolled Mai off... Please don't be Mia. I can't lose both of them.... especially not on the same day... I see more doctors running to the direction they rolled Mia... I see David start to cry...

"D-Dav-id... c-come h-here...i-it-s not g-oo-d to w-wat-ch r-ight n-now" I say my voice breaking several times. David comes over and sits next to us... I hug him to me and Gabe... We all are breaking...if we break at least, we have one another... then I feel my phone buzz... I carefully take it out....

it was from Maya....

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