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"Why the fuck did we get a call from the hospital down there that Mia was put in the hospital!???!" I text her back explaining all that happened as best as I could without being murdered by Maya. She is scary as fuck if you piss her off. "Guys Mia's band got the call from the hospital. Maya is freaking out about it..." I reply to the two boys near "okay let's go see how Mia is then we can give them an update on Mia." David got up with me. "Okay, I hope she is okay now" Gabe responded. "Okay, let us go check on Mia then, Gabe." David returned to me as we started to walk toward Mia. As David and I were walking behind Gabe so he can have some time to Mai we both were talking about ship names for Gabriel and Mia. 

Gabriel's POV

As they were walking behind me to Mia's room, I walked over to the nurses' station and asked where Mia's room was. The woman told me what room Mia's in.  I start walking toward her room getting a little nervous as I got closer. As I finally got the courage to gently knock, I slowly open the door, nerves hitting me harder now. 

"M-Mia? are you awake?" I ask into the room as I was too nervous to look at the bed. I heard a very faint voice respond, "Y-yeah" I walk over more to look at her, I gasp as I see scars on her that I never noticed as well as fresh bruises and a wrap on her arm. "Mia! What happened?!" I asked concern running through me.

She looked down gently starting to play with her gown. "Nothing I'm okay..." She said still looking down. I gently went to touch her hand, but she flinched. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Mia it's me Gabe I not going to hurt you...You know that right?" I said trying not to show how much it hurt to see her flinch away from me.

I felt my phone buzz a few minutes later from Lucas texting me know they are going give me some alone time with Mia. I looked up to Mia, trying to not scare her too much. "Babygirl. why. who would hurt suck a wonderful woman..." I mumbled mostly to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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