The Tea

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As I look over to Gabe, I noticed him blushing as well. I slowly get out of the car, glaring at David.

"What? why are you glaring at me." David asked dumbstruck. "You could have told me that I was on Gabe's shoulder! you wouldn't have to fight with me. No offense Gabe!" I say still glaring at Brook, while giving Jack a softer look.

I look out to see where we were. It looked like a store, it had orange painted brick on the outside with a sign saying " Waitrose" with a green cover over the store entrance and a bit more out, had a lot of windows, why does a store have so many windows? anyways we walk into the store.

"You can get something you need like food or something" Ethan said. "Sweet! I'm stealing Gabe then!" I say as I grab Gabe's hand dragging him to the candy aisle I saw.

"Don't you think this is enough candy and salted stuff?" Gabe asked me after a bit of me getting my cravings. " I think that will last long enough, hopefully." I said to mostly myself. "What you mean?" Gabe asks in his Irish accent that's better than mine. " Cravings I really have been craving but haven't got yet, Gabe duh" I said a little bit sassier than I wanted.

" You're not pregnant right???" Gabe asked nervously. I laughed harder than I have in a while, it hurt but I couldn't help it. He thought I was pregnant, when really, I was just craving things. He gave me his cut- I mean his innocent confused faced.

"I'm not pregnant Gabe, I'm just craving these things for a while. " I somehow say calmly. "Oh, umm get all you need" Gabe said lightly blushing from embarrassment of his assumption, I think.

I giggle at him. "It's okay Gabe you didn't know. Now let's go find Ethan and them!" I say, trying to make the situation a little easier on Gabe. "Yeah, let's go find them" Gabe says.


After paying for everything, the boys didn't let me pay for my stuff, well more like Gabe didn't let me. Yes, I argued that I could pay for my stuff, ooo tea for Jackie when I talk to her later.

Anyways, after we left the store, we went to the hospital to go see my brother. I was a little bit nervous to see my brother. It's a little hard for me to not be considering, I was the cause of him to be in the hospital. As we got closer, I felt a hand on my shoulder as they pulled me to them and hugged me.

As we got to the hospital, I got a lot of nerves that the boys had to keep telling me it would be okay. I got out of the car after a bit of course the hand and warmth of the body I was on left me. Soon after I got out and the rest of the boys got out, I felt the warmth from earlier right behind me. I look back and I saw...

Hey angels, Hope you like this chapter! Any guesses on who it might be. I'm thinking of making the next chapter maybe more shocking if I can get myself to. also sorry for the long updates till next chapters.

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