Bad news or ?

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Ethan's Pov

I yell for Gabriel, scared a bit. Asher has never passed out after coming out. Gabriel came running.

"Yeah? What's wrong?!" Gab asked.

"Call the boys in the van and call Mia! now! GO!" I said still scared and worried. I know Gab understands I was scared. He ran to get the boys ready. I called Briana and told her we will be heading to the hospital. She asked why, I of course told half the truth and said we were talking and then he passed out.

"We're ready Eth let's get him to the hospital." Lucas said as he went to gently move Asher so I could get up to take him to the car. I take him to the car and Lucas rushes to the hospital without getting pulled over though. Gabriel's on the phone with Mia. He got off the phone and looked sad.

"Eth... she's blaming herself...I don't like hearing her like that.... she sounded broken...." Gabriel said.

"...I know Gab I know.... Asher and her have been trying to work it out...." I responded sad as well knowing Asher couldn't help.

Asher's breathing gets lighter and lighter. "Lucas hurry up! " I said as I started panicking again.

"Almost there Ethan" Lucas said back.

"Do you think he will be okay?" David asked.

"I hope so. Mia would not take it well if he died or something..." I say wondering how she was doing right now and how she was taking it.

Mia's POV (when Jack calls)

I feel my butt start to vibrate so I excuse myself from the group to see who was texting or calling me. I got confused when it was an unknown number. I answered waiting to know who the person was.

"Mia its Gabriel. We're on our way to the hospital. -" he said. I interrupted him.

"Who's the one going to the hospital" I ask him. It was quiet for a little on his side beside the sounds of the car.

"......Asher....." he says.

I broke at those words, the closes thing to me was thrown to the ground.

"Mia?! what was that!" he said in a hushed voice.


"Mia calm down please. He apparently passed out while talking to Ethan." Gabriel said in a calm manner even though I just yelled at him.

I start to go into overdrive as I hear those words. I feel my heart slowly breaking and hear myself mumbling.
"It's all my fault Gabriel it's all my fault.... how could I be so selfish.... I'm a horrible sister...." I say starting to cry.

"Mia listen it's not your fault." He said trying to calm me down.

Something snapped in me I don't know what it was but I broke more. "GABRIEL IT'S MY FAULT ASHER'S GOING TO THE HOSPITAL! IT'S MY ... if only I got myself the help, I needed.... instead of worrying him.... " I say before hanging up not being able to handle this.

After I hang up, I screamed. I screamed with all my frustration, anger, and hate for myself. I hear everyone running to my room I locked it before they could get to my room. I start to throw things around, breaking thing. I accidentally broke something that meant the world to me and Andy. I bent down to look at the picture. I broke down crying more as I hear the knocks on the door telling me to open the door.

I took a piece of broken glass. I picked it up, getting ready to cut my wrist till I get a call again. I answered it.

"y-ye-s?" I answered.

"ASHER'S AWAKE! we got you a ticket, your plane leaves in an hour and half!" I hear one of the boys yell.

"he is?" I ask.I look at the time I gasp as I realize I've locked myself in my room for 3 hours now.

"ya he's awake, pack your bag your staying with us for a bit. Asher's words not mine" Dav said.

"Okay. when does my plane leave again?" I ask.

"It leaves at 6pm." I looked at the time. It was 5pm.
"Dav that's less than an hour!" I said with light panic in my voice.
"I know Mia. But you can have the others help you pack right?" Dav asked.
"Ya okay. I got to go now. Tell Asher that I love him and that I'm sorry." I said before hanging up.

10 minutes later

"Do we have enough clothes for you, Mia" Ava asked. I go through my stuff and see if I have enough clothes considering I don't know how long I'll be there for.

"I think she does, what we packed like 5 shirts or was it 7. Dang it Soph how many shirts we pack?" Ava asks.

"We packed 7 shirts, 5 jeans, 7 sweats, modest night clothes we don't need any boys after her yet-" Sophie says before being interrupted by me.

"I'm right here Soph!" I said a little annoyed.
"I think she has everything she needs guys." Jackie responded.
"Okay, let's get going her flight leaves soon" Soph responded taking one of my bags with her. I had 1 carry one and one to stay with me.

5 minutes later

"Okay we hear guys. Have a safe flight, Mia!" Soph told me as we pulled up to the spot I was needed at.
"Bye MB" Ava said laughing. Yes, she gave me the nickname because my first and last name initials are MB.
Jackie and Maya said their goodbyes to me, while getting a hug from a crying Jackie. I promised them I'd stay in touch with them.

10 minutes later
I texted the group chat I was boarding in five minutes. They all sent me "be safe, have a good flight" or "have fun but not too much" you can't tell which one was Soph's response right?

Anyways I started getting dizzy like I would if I was going to talk to Asher through the head. I quickly texted Asher not to talk through our head as I was at the airport and didn't want to scare people. He obeyed my request because he also didn't want me scaring people.

My gate number was finally called, and we started boarding. David sent me the information so I could get on the plane. I get on the plane and find my seat.
Well here goes an hour of my life in fear. I looked over to my left at the person next to me. I see it was-

Mwahahah cliff hanger guys. I know I haven't talked much about the power stuff. I'm still figuring all that out. Anyways love you all.

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