Welcome to London

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I looked over to see who it was, but I see the one person I hated from school. Joseph Bethany, he bullied me from elementary for not being 'able to sing' even though everyone said I was a good singer. Anyways as I grew up, I realized he only did and said those things because he was probably jealous of me.
"Mia?" Joseph said unsure of himself.
"Y-yeah? What do you want Joesph?" I asked him. Yes, I'm still scared of him, if you knew what he did to me you would know why.
"Are you still s-scared of m-me...." guilt in his voice as he couldn't look at me as I could tell from him looking down.

We talked for a bit everything was now sorted out. He told me why he was that way to me. We talked till our plane landed in London. 


"Bye Mia! text me if you ever need a friend! " Joseph said as we were at the baggage claim. 

"Will do! Bye Joseph!" I said as I was grabbing my bag and heaving it so I could go find my brother.


After about an hour of trying to find my way to the exit, I finally found it. My brother's best friend, Ethan Burgess stood there, and he had the others with him, besides my brother. Guilt washed in me again remembering what happened a few hours ago.

 I had my sunglasses on and my seeing cane. If you are wondering why I brought this stuff is because our eyes go funky colors when we talk to each other through our heads. I use the cane because it's just helpful to get around. 

Anyways I came up to them. I noticed it was one of the boys has a thing in a shape of a guitar case. I came up to them since I somehow remembered what they looked like, just kidding I had to make them think I couldn't find them right away. 

"Mia over here!" I heard Ethan yell. I walk over to them. Gabriel automatically tried to take my suitcase from me. I stopped him and he looked sad. "Gabriel, I want to take a few things out for the drive then you can take my suitcase to the car" I said to Gabriel. I grab my gum, wallet, and keys from my bag and then grab my few snacks I knew I would need for the ride. Then my bladder kicked in reminding me it has been about four hours since I've used the rest room. 

" Guys I need to use the jacks, where are the jacks?" I asked, forgetting I wasn't in Ireland anymore. "And can we go get some candy, Carmel, and food with salt on them?" I ask Ethan. "Ya the toilets, Lucas will show you them while Dav, Eth, and I go put things in the van" Gabriel said for Ethan. As apparently, I think I broke his brain. "Thanks Gabe!" I say, as I go to Lukey asking for the toilet, finally remembering where I am after Gabe corrects me. 

After about over an hour, I feel the van stop. I feel someone lightly shaking me, so I open my eyes and see David lightly shaking me. 

"Hey, wake up sleepy Mia." Dav said to me. I am the opposite of my brother with waking up, I hate being woke up and having to get up unlike my brother who is up early. 

I suddenly feel someone move my head, that's when I remembered Gabriel sat in the back with me. I started to blush, and all the others started to laugh. As I look over to Gabe, I notice him-

cliffhanger even though it could be known what might happen next. Anyways love you guys!

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