new person?

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I didn't fully recognize the person. "Who are you?" I asked actually confused.

 "David who's that on my phone?" I heard my brother's voice.

 "Asherrr. Are u free? I kind of need to talk to you" I said knowing well enough he'll let me know if I needed to call him back. 

"M? M? Earth to Mia" I hear my brother after I come back from spacing out. I sheepishly smile. "Sorry Asher...." I respond.

 "It's okay sis. What you need?" Asher asked me.

 "I need to talk honestly...I miss you...Jackie said I should call yo-" I started to say before Asher interrupted. 

"Wait. Mia have you been crying?" Asher asked. I nod my head looking down ashamed a bit.

"Do you want me to come over there? I can ask if I can come over." Asher said worried. 

"Asher I'm good. Jackie calmed me down." I said trying to assure him I was good.

We started talking about random things after a bit. His band is going well. He tells me they made him do something embarrassing at apparently a park. He told me he'd let me know when that vlog comes out. I mentioned some issues and why I actually was told to call him. Of course, that was when he went somewhere private because I don't want the others in his band to hear my problems. 

After 4 hours of talking, I'm very calm and Asher knew that as he knows when I'm relaxed just as I know when he's relaxed. What we are twins for crying out loud we know each other from the outside in. I know he has a girlfriend but keeps it from the Warriors apparently his fans they call Warriors. I know weird but unique for his group.
I finally hear a yell for me and then a knock on my door. Then I saw Sophie's head pop in. "Kiddo dinners ready when you feel like eating" she said. "Okay. I'll be down soon. Let me say bye to Asher." I responded. "Okay. Water or soda?" She asked. "Water please Soph" I said using her nickname. "Okay see you downstairs." She responded. "Sorry Asher I got to go try to eat. Talk to you later." I said hanging up before he could question me.

Asher's POV 

"Sorry Asher I got to go try to eat. talk to you later" Mia said, hanging up before I could question what she meant. Was she not eating correctly? Am I overthinking this? I eventually get up to go ask Ethan his opinion. 

I knocked lightly on Ethan's door. "Come in" I hear from the other side. I went into his room closing the door behind me. "Oh, hey Ash what's up?" Ethan said. " I need your advice...." I responded. "Okay, shoot I'm all ears Ash" he said serious. I started to tell him about the call especially the ending and me talking out what I was thinking. "Honestly if you're that worried, I say talk to Briana and ask if you can surprise visit Mia. I know that the Warriors of ours will understand. Family is more important. Plus, from what you told me it sounds like she needs you right now." Ethan said. I started to think. He's right I need to visit my sister. "You're right Ethan thanks I'll call Briana tonight, thanks Bud!" I responded while getting up. "Anytime Asher!" Ethan yelled after me as I started to leave his room. 

I then started to get a headache after a bit. "ETHAN!!!!" I yell, he's the only one I have talked about me and my twin's rare condition. Ethan came running out to me. He comforted me while I was thrown out of my world and into Mia's thoughts. 

⚠ WARNING ⚠ may contain sensitive information for those that don't want to read it I'll give you a summary after 

Mia's thoughts (what Asher's hearing as well)

Why am I so ugly. 

I shouldn't of ate dinner.... 

I wonder if this razor will help take the pain away...

I should just not eat anymore till I'm skinnier. 

Why does my brother still care about me when I'm just a burden to him....

I bet nobody likes me. Wait does Jackie actually care about me or is she just sorry for me....

What if I just end it? Nobody would notice right? The fans would be happier considering they hate me. Should I do it tonight? Nobody would notice.... It would be better for everyone around me....

scene over you can read now for those that skipped the section.

summary: Mia basically is struggling with her mind set. She is basically in the suicidal mindset. 

back to the story

Asher talking to Mia through his mind. (A- Asher M- Mia)

A- Mia listen to me, please.... don't do anything stupid please.... you mean a lot to me. you aren't a burden. I love you very much. 

M- Why though.... why love me.... I'm a failure to people.... Hell, nobody likes me in the fanbase for me.... All they do is hate on me.... Nobody likes me.... I'm not even sure if Jackie actually cares about me.... Why should I stay Asher....

A- Well, because all of us love you. I love you sis. Mom and dad love you. Gabriel even loves you! And I know you like him. And I love the thought of you guys being closer than friends! If you can, you can call him right now. For me and Gabriel please don't do anything you will regret, please. I'm going to go talk to Briana and see if I can come over and visit then we can talk everything out in person. Is that okay?

M- fine.... just please don't tell Gabriel I like him...I don't know what I would do if he actually realized I'm a person....

A- He does recognize you as a person he just doesn't want you to know he likes you just as much as you don't want him to know.

M- okay.... I'm sorry Asher....I'll go talk to Jackie again and tell her all that's going...

A- Okay just please be safe till I come visit, okay?

M- okay.... I love you Asher thanks for helping me.... also sorry for giving you a headache.... 

A- It's okay sis. Ethan will have one of the boys bring me something for the headache but go take something for the headache as well just don't do anything stupid.

M- okay...

present time 

I start to wake up and I instantly get a headache like Mia said. Yes, we do get headaches whenever we talk to each other in our heads. It's the one downside to it, but if Mia needs me, I will deal with it because she's my world yes, she is my sister she's my world because I grew up with, we know each other like the back of our hands. 

I also know she is Gabriel's world. So, I will do all I can to keep her here for me and Gab. Talking about Gab I should go talk to him about traveling with me. I start to come out of my thoughts as I hear a voice saying my name.

"Asher. Asher? Asher are you okay? I know you are back, take a break from your thoughts." Ethan was saying. 

" I'm ok-" everything went black.

hey guys thanks for reading. hope you had a good read. What happened to Asher?

lots of love, your author

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