Chapter 1

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Dev Malhotra stood at the far edge sixty-three floors above the earth.

Dressed in a crisp black suit, his long frame was leaned over a solid glass balustrade. He sipped from a glass of whiskey, letting the warm liquid prickle his throat. The evening should've made him feel elated, instead he found himself somber and forlorn. His gaze was narrowed at the jaw-dropping sight of the city that lay below him.

Vancouver was beautiful, most would agree. But from the sixty third floor of a Downtown high-rise, it was breathtaking. A lively city with long roads, tall structures reaching for the skies and thick clusters of trees sprinkled with remnants of February snow, all traveling towards the white peaks of the gigantic mountain range far ahead. At present, dark clouds with low, ambient moonlight were closer than ever before. If someone tip-toed and stretched one hand, a little bit higher, they were sure to graze a star or two.

Behind him, the open rooftop was bustling with high energy. Servers shuffled with stacks of plates and glasses, and assistants spoke furiously into headsets. At a random moment, all at once, the area was lit with innumerable yellow bulbs running along invisible lines, suspended high above.

But today Dev noticed neither the extravagance of the city nor the splendor of the party that was about to commence. Early in the morning, he had stayed in bed for a long time, staring at the calendar on his iPad. A long past memory had resurfaced like a yearly reminder.

The memory of a beautiful girl with light brown hair and sky blue eyes.

It was hard to tell whether it became less or more painful with each passing year.

As the guests began to pour in, he made himself focus on them.

"Good to see you, Dev." Gerry Chen shook his hand. "Where's Ranjeet?"

"Dad's flight was delayed. He should be here soon." Dev signaled to a server who appeared with a tray of drinks. "Campbell Estate is turning out well, I hear. I would love to get a tour."

"Anytime! Anytime for you, my boy." Gerry clapped one hand on the younger man's shoulder and smiled fondly. "Now, tell me more about the Gallo house you're doing up in Whistler."

Morningstar Properties, a massive real estate company, was owned and operated by the four Malhotra brothers. The new generation of Malhotra heirs and heiress, with their sophisticated degrees and influential network of peers, had elevated Morningstar Properties into a renowned real estate enterprise. The Malhotra family itself resonated with wealth, fortune and fame.

As a strategic plan from a marketing and branding perspective, they threw lavish parties from time to time. In the beginning only people from real estate longed to be invited. But slowly as the family fortune and network grew, celebrities and socialites made frequent appearances.

The open terrace was now crowded with prominent, well-dressed women and men. Drinks were poured, fancy appetizers flowed in abundance and an upbeat music filled the air. The decor had been deliberately arranged to eliminate a focal point. Outdoor sofas and chairs were set up in a clever and cyclic harmony along the large terrace. But this effort was made redundant by a single man.

Dev Malhotra, the heir to the Malhotra family and Morningstar Properties, had a natural flair for inadvertently turning himself into a focal point. Not just when he spoke but even while listening, he held people around with some invisible, gentle force that they felt compelled to adhere to.

He circled through the party with an expert ease, charming his guests. He was intelligent and highly perceptive. Not only because he studied engineering and went to business school, but because he had a genuine desire for knowledge. And because he went to great lengths to seek it. His opinions were hardly ever vague or given thoughtlessly. He was an expert in his field and whatever didn't fall into his sphere, he knew where to look, which people to hire and whom to seek advice from. At twenty-six, he was presumably one of the most sought-after bachelors in his social sphere.

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