Chapter 2

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Dev didn't know what happened in the next moment but something had changed. Rose had gasped in shock, one hand snapped to her chest. It was only when Nash was at his side, did Dev become aware of a sharp pain emerging from his palm which was now smeared with blood.

He had smashed the glass in his hand to pieces.

"Dev!" Nash cried, snatching napkins from a table. "You're bleeding, mate."

"You knew she was coming?" Dev asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Nash looked flabbergasted. "No. That's just Matt's assistant. What's wrong?"

"That's her." He whispered, eyes affixed on the brown haired girl.

Nash didn't understand right away. But when he did, his eyes grew wide with shock and recognition. He glanced at Rose then back at Dev. Finding his sense of composure, he caught a passing server and whispered some instruction.

Rose was still standing like a statue, staring open mouthed. All feeling and every thought had abandoned her. She wanted to turn around and run but her limbs were no longer in her control, suspended purely by his piercing gaze.

She wouldn't move unless he allowed her to.

A moment later the event manager, Lea, appeared looking worried that something had gone wrong with her decor. She took in their odd stance, then her eyes flew to Dev's bloodied hand.

"What happened?" Lea exclaimed.

"A small accident." Nash replied, his voice calm and controlled. "Is there some place we can get a little privacy?"

She pointed to a far corner behind to the left. "There's a back room."

"Good. Get some first aid supplies. If anyone asks, tell them Dev got a call."

Lea nodded frantically, scrambling away.

Dev blinked, his gaze finally leNashng her.

It was like a switch. A wave of consciousness returned. Rose jerked and took a step to the side. But before she could run, a deep, masculine voice pronounced a single word.

"Stop." Dev commanded. It was spoken without emphasis or amplification but it rang in her ears and rushed all the way to her toes.

She froze. She didn't want to stop; she had to. It was pure instinct to yield to the sound of his voice...a compulsive, unconscious response that she had been born with. The loud chaos of the world never mattered; his voice had always filtered through, encroaching into the depths her mind.

He took one step toward her, then another. A tight coil clenched in her chest, making it hard for her to breathe. He'd always been tall. But now, years later, with his imposing form and the rage in his eyes, he towered over her.

Dev dipped his head lower. A familiar scent transported him to a giant oak tree below a sunlight sky. He inched closer. The warmth of his breath made her to shiver. His lips parted and he whispered something into her ear. Only a few words. But her eyes grew wide with bewilderment. She nearly whimpered. No longer able to withstand it, she turned and bolted.

Lea appeared, nudging Dev toward the back room. He stood stoic for a moment then gave Nash a meaningful look. With a silent nod, he turned on his heel and let Lea usher him away.

Rose was past the exit and headed towards the main elevator by the time Nash caught up to her.

"Rose, wait —"

But before he could say anything further, she turned to him and muttered insensibly, "Thank you for inviting me, I mean, Matt."

Nash shook his head. "That's not important. Are you alright?"

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