Chapter 10

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- Back then -

By the time they were sixteen, conversations turned largely toward college and plans for the future. Years of creative projects had made it easy for Rose to find her calling

"Design school." she announced one fine day. "I think I want to get into interior designing."

"Makes sense." Dev nodded, unsurprised by her declaration. "You have a natural talent for it."

She beamed. His compliments meant more to her than grades and outer accolades. "Have you decided yet?" she asked, delicately. When he didn't reply, a sad frown appeared on her face. "You have to trust your instinct, Dev. You need to start preparing now if you want to get into the right school."

They were sitting in the library. His elbows rested on the table, palms against his forehead, fingers wound in his hair. "I don't know." he muttered under his breath.

It was time to pick electives, seek internships and experiences that could prepare him for college. Instead, Dev found himself in the middle of complete indecision. His father wanted him to pick a business major and go to one of the top schools in the US. Their construction business was growing. The senior Malhotra brothers were exploring opportunities in the British Columbia, Washington and California, making assessments as to which would help them grow their wealth. Though their own lifestyles were innately humble, they were discreetly saving up large college funds for their children.

Dev had no interest in business school. Being with Rose had made him appreciate the arts but he wasn't an artist either nor did he have any creative inclination. He had some interest in architecture and a little in engineering but that was it. He found himself in the middle of his father's expectations and his own incapacity to decide. There was one thing, though that he felt absolutely sure of. He wouldn't go to the US or anywhere else. Whatever major he decided, his college would be somewhere in Toronto.

Because Rose had planned to go there.

He didn't say this directly at first. It came up in conversations. Subtle implications that it would be nice to be in the same city for college. But when he told her truthfully, things started to go downhill.

Rose panicked.

College was a big deal. The fact that Dev had considered her in such an important decision made their relationship more significant than she had imagined.

She had also started noticing peculiar things. For a long while now, very few guys had shown any interest in her. Half their school assumed that Dev and Rose were already dating. The other half considered them to be so close that no one wanted to get into the middle of it. The problem was, they weren't entirely wrong.

Dev knew everything about her - moods, preferences and her wildest dreams. He knew how to make her happy and what made her sad. He almost never got upset with her. But when he did, on a rare occasion or two, she couldn't handle it. She'd lose sleep and appetite till he came to her again. This strange reliance on him, scared her. His equal reliance on her, terrified her.

Rose started to retreat. She grew distant from Dev and found opportunities to do things without him.

"Are you mad at me?" Dev asked her one day.

She'd been walking back from school alone when he approached to join her. "No." she replied, footsteps quickening. "Why do you ask?"

"You've been avoiding me. Have I done something?"

Rose focused her gaze on the street ahead, fingers closed around her books, clutching them tighter against her chest.

"Wait." he said, softly.

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