Chapter 24

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Roman's beach house was built on a piece of land that was bought three generations before him, at a time when it was considered useless. Now, of course, it was worth a small fortune. A large, well-constructed porch at the back of the house opened directly onto the sandy beach, beyond which lay the expanse of the ocean.

It was an experience in itself, to spend an evening in a space that even though was built on land, felt like it was part of the ocean.

Most of guests who attended the racing event were present at the after party. It began late in the evening. People had changed out of their formal attire, opting for more relaxed clothing. The women wore short, daring outfits, their hair loose and free. The men abandoned coats and ties and chose casual pants and loose shirts. Some put on comfortable sandals, others went barefoot altogether.

Stylish outdoor seating had been set up on the section of the beach adjoining the porch. A bonfire lay in the center, emerging from the sand, drawing everyone towards it.

Dev was reclined on one of the wicker chaises surrounded by his usual group - a few cousins and a few close friends. Nash was traveling again and Dev's own sister was away on one her sporadic escapades with her college friends.

Nia and Aniya were immersed in deep conversation. Aniya said something causing Nia turn to Dev, a nervous expression on her face.

"What?" Dev asked, irritated.

Nia shook her head swirling the drink in her hand instead.

"Where's your..." Aniya said, pausing with deliberate effect, "friend?"

Dev scowled at Aniya.

She chuckled. Throwing her hands up she asked, "I just want to know if my little... skit had any effect?"

"What skit?" Nia interjected.

Aniya responded at once, eagerly recounting the afternoon proceedings.

"You what!" Nia shouted, her eyes wide in shock. "Dev!" she turned toward him. "Is this true?"

Dev who'd had enough women ruining his day, threw her warning look.

Nia wasn't deterred. "You made her think that you and Aniya were a thing!"

"I did no such thing." Dev retorted with irritation. "Roman and Aniya..."

"But you let her believe it." Nia turned to Aniya and admonished, though more politely than she had spoken to Dev, "And you shouldn't have done that."

A visible line of regret ran on Aniya's face. She opened her mouth to explain but before she could, a male voice drifted in from the behind them.

"Sometimes people need a push." Roman drawled, coming to take a seat beside Nia. He put one arm around her shoulder that promptly received a sharp smack. He grinned at her, unperturbed.

Roman and Nia had only met recently since the latter had moved to Vancouver after finishing grad school. They had formed an unlikely friendship that had surprised many, especially when it came to Roman. He had causal dates, flings and exes but not female friends. At one point, Dev had suspected that Roman had a crush on his cousin but he realized fairly quickly that there wasn't anything romantic between them. Whatever fondness Roman felt for Nia was something entirely different, too honest, almost familial.

"That was a bad thing to do, Roman."

"I beg to differ." Roman drawled, grinning. "You're too nice. You won't understand these dynamics from your saintly corner somewhere much higher than the rest of us."

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