Chapter 16

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Simon Banfield was brand in himself, but the kind that justifies its flamboyance with a singularly superior skill. Rose had learned more in the twelve weeks working as a Junior designer than she had in the past eight years. To work directly with Banfield was an impossible feat. Even Dev's recommendation couldn't get her that. She was apprenticing under Banfield's Principal Designer, Cary Trussardi who turned out to be a brilliant mentor. Impressed with Rose's creativity and dedication, Cary had allowed her to attend a meeting with Banfield. In the confines of their office, this was considered a huge achievement. No assistant had been given that honor so fast.

Outside of work Rose found herself falling in love with design once again. A dam had been broken, giving way to a flood of creativity. She spent long hours at the office and at home, voluntarily pouring over books and catalogs creating multiple mood boards and developing aesthetics. Her evenings after work and weekends belonged to Dev. They were spending all their free time together.

For someone who appeared charming, carefree and relaxed, Dev was a work machine. His capacity to focus and put in the hours, was astonishing. When he'd callously told her that everything he had achieved was because of his family, he was being phenomenally modest. Dev was more invested in the details of every project than any other employee in his entire office. Contractors, flooring vendors, paint suppliers, property lawyers - just about anyone involved, Dev spoke to them regularly. His assistants were always on the edge, anxious that their boss would inevitably catch even the tiniest detail that they might've accidentally let slip by.

So many evenings they had dinner together at his apartment. Afterwards he'd drop her home which was only fifteen minutes away. If it was too late, she'd simply stayed over in his guest bedroom.

Occasionally, he had informal house parties. Friends, colleagues, acquaintances from out of town and anyone new who wanted to network in his expanded social circle, showed up for a couple of drinks on the weekends. Rose had an unspoken and open invitation to all his parties. In fact, at this point, his whole apartment was open for her to walk into at any time.

One Saturday evening, at one such informal get-together, Rose happened to overhear a conversation that piqued her interest. Alana Briggs, an interior designer who had recently opened her small firm was in conversation with a fashionably dressed young woman. Rose had met Briggs once before. The latter was in her mid-thirties with commendable experience and already had a long-wait list. The other young woman was discussing with Briggs, an apartment she had just purchased and needed someone to do the interiors. The woman, Jenny, had a small budget since it was her first home. Rose wasn't sure what possessed her to throw herself into their discussion. She managed to get Jenny on as client and proceeded to enjoy a very engaging conversation with the two women.

For rest of the evening, she tried her best to avoid looking at Dev because she knew that he had witnessed the entire exchange.

When the guests had left and it was just the two of them he said, without delay, "So you got yourself a little side hustle?"

Rose blushed, biting back a grin.

"But come now, Ro." He drawled, chiding her mockingly, "This was my party and my guests so isn't it 'unfair' that you get to take advantage of it." He air quoted the word unfair.

He was teasing her, she knew. There was a patronizing smirk on his face. That is why she only smiled, fighting a blush, and said softly, "But it was her whole West Vancouver. I really wanted to design to be able to design it."

They had been sitting on the couch in his balcony. His arm was draped over the headrest portion behind her shoulders. He gave her a sideways glance. There was an amused intensity in his eyes. He dropped his hand and ruffled her hair, "Good girl. You're learning."

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