Chapter 14

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"Good isn't it?" Dev cocked his head toward her.

"Very good." she grinned. "Reminds me of Penny's."

It was late in the night and they were lounging on the outdoor couch of his balcony, eating ice cream that he had purchased from a street market hours ago. After a long while, Dev spoke. "You don't need to go looking for a new job."

She glanced at him, surprised. "What do you mean?"

He set his empty bowl aside and turned his body sideways, one leg folded underneath while the other fell to the floor. His arm was draped on the headrest behind her shoulders. "I know of an open position that will be perfect for it."

She looked away. "I can't do that."


They were sitting close; the subdued lights from the night sky casting a nocturnal glow on the pair.

"I can't," she swallowed, "I won't take favors from you this way."

"But...I don't understand."

A defeated sigh left her lips.

"What is your plan then?" he prodded, pointedly. "To throw yourself into the first open job out there and be miserable in it?"

"I don't want to take some random position" Her voice thick with emotion. "In case you haven't noticed, I don't have options to pick and choose from."

"But you do! I'm giving you an option, a much better one."

"I can't take your help." Her head shook back and forth.

"Why?" He was perplexed. "You were willing to take Sherman's help."

"That's different."

"Explain to me, how?"

"He's a professional acquaintance. And I asked him for a reference."

"I'm also giving you a reference."

"You're handing me the job!"

"And that's worse, because?"

"Because..." she started, searching for words to name her confusing emotions. "It just is, alright. It's different with you."

His lips pressed together fighting a scowl.

"I don't know how to explain." She set her bowl aside. "So much has happened in these past years. It's complicated and messed up."

"You're going to have to figure out a way to explain this." he crossed his arms over his chest, "because I'm not going to let it go."

In her mind, she'd always imagined what it would be like to see him again, talk to him. But now that he was right in front her, urging her to talk, her thoughts no longer made sense. Where would she begin?

"I'm in a lot of debt." The words tumbled out.

She rose from the couch and walked toward the glass railing. Placing her elbows on the metal edge, she leaned. It was easier to talk without looking at him.

"Mom's treatments and hospital bills took a toll on the finances. The doctors were trying many procedures and drugs. Insurance companies covered only partial bills. We had to pay out of pocket, for a lot of them. Mom was distraught even thought dad did his best to reassure her. Towards the end, when she knew that...that was it, I think a part of her was relieved that she would no longer be a burden." Her breath hiked. There was a shuffle behind her. "No, Dev. Please. Don't." Her voice wavered but she felt his movements halting. "Let me say this. It's been years and I think I finally should say these words out loud. For my own sake."

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