Chapter 22

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The Hastings Cup was Vancouver's answer to the Kentucky Derby. To begin with, it was crowded. A sea of hats, fascinators and berets swam through the stands. And the clothes! Rose had rarely seen people stick to the theme with such precision - fashionable day dresses, high heels and dapper suits. The area was energized with the upbeat music from a live band while the air smelled of mud, horses, alcohol and the warm summer sun.

Nia guided her through the stands towards a section on the west side. "This is our private booth!" She said. They stepped into a decent-sized room with a glass wall, overlooking the tracks. Tables and chairs were laid out, a bar was situated at the corner, and people walked about socializing. It was calmer here, more orderly.

"If you're looking for a more raw experience, there's another spot as well." Nia explained. They stepped out of the booth and a good twenty steps below. Right in front of the main tracks stood a large canopy. It was the best and closest spot to view the race. Six tables and numerous chairs lay underneath it, though hardly any of the chairs were occupied as people huddled at the railing.

A well-dressed young man appeared and before Nia could introduce them, he had hurried her away, leaving Rose alone. She didn't mind it though. This was quiet a lot to take in and she was glad to find a moment to herself. Before she realized what she was doing, her gaze travelled across the crowd looking for one face. She didn't have to wait for long.

"Boo!" Dev exclaimed very close to her ear. It was so silly - A boo! - really? Like they were five years old. But somehow it melted her apprehension and she broke into a smile. She turned to find herself looking up at a familiar handsome face which had featured in her dreams far too many times in the past three weeks.

"I'm glad you came." He said, tilting his head.

"Thank you for inviting me." How she had missed him!

"Nia invited you."

Pursuing her lips, Rose gave him a meaningful glance.

He winked. "Your welcome. Let's get something to drink."

Dev looked ridiculously attractive in a light sky blue suit, white shirt and brown shoes. He didn't wear a hat like some of the men but instead chose dark sunglasses. With drinks in their hands they returned to stand by the railing, watching the race tracks.

"I'm sorry I haven't really spoken to you properly for a while." Rose began. "I wasn't sure..."

"No, don't apologize." he said.

The sound of hooves echoed. From a distance, five small ponies appeared being guided by their masters. The crowd cheered and applauded as the young mares took a lap around the track.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"Foals." Dev replied, bringing the glass to his lips. "Someday they'll race too."

Rose shook her head in disapproval.

Dev cast her knowing glance, half a smile curved along the side of his face. "They're treated well. We make sure of it."

"We?" Rose's lifted one eyebrow. "You own these horses?" It was more of an accusation than question.

"Not exactly. My family makes yearly contributions. The funds are used to care for the horses and maintain the stables."

" own them?"

Dev chuckled, taking a sip from his glass.

Rose shook her head. Contributing to horses! It was such a rich thing to do.

His gaze stayed on the shape of her lips when she pouted with annoyance. "You know my dad was completely against the idea at first. It took me a while to convince him. In the end I think he only agreed because it was a good opportunity to network and strengthen his social status."

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