[OMAKE] - Elevators are Racist

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(POV - 3RD)

Y/N and Fu Hua were walking through the halls of St. Freya Academy, both just finished their practice sparring match and decided to board the elevator that was recently installed into the building for quicker routes.

Both of them walked into the small space before the doors closed on them and then Y/N realized something missing from the interior immediately.

"Where's the buttons?" He asked, confused.

"Oh, they've installed voice-recognition technology in this lift, they have no buttons." Fu Hua replied back.

"Voice-recognition technology?" Y/N said, looking at the Class President.

"In a lift?" He continued.

"In Soukai?? Have you ever tried voice-recognition technology?" Y/N stated.

"No..." Fu Hua admitted slowly.

"It doesn't receive Shenzhou accents." Y/N added before the girl decided to request the floor for them to be brought to.


However, what she received was not the movement of the elevator but a short silence followed by an automated female voice.

"Could you please repeat that?"

"Eleven." Y/N then called out clearly but also receive no response as he looked around in growing annoyance.

"Eleven." Fu Hua requested again but the result still remained.

"Eleven." She repeated.

"Eleven." Y/N stated louder and clearer but only to be met with the same line.

"Could you please repeat that?"

"EL-EV-EN." Fu Hua repeated once more, this time in slower syllables.

"Who's idea was this?" Y/N demanded, turning to his fellow Valkyrie while pointing at the speaker in the elevator.

"Let's try another accent." He said before clearing his throat.

"E-leven." Y/N requested in an "American" accent, prompting Fu Hua to look at him weirdly.

"E-leven." He repeated.

"Is that an Irish accent?" She questioned to which Y/N turned to her.

"No, it's American." He stated before repeating again.


"If it's an American accent, then where in America is that? Dublin?" Fu Hua asked jokingly, earning an indignant look from Y/N.

"I'm sorry. Could you please repeat that?"

"Hm... how about an English accent?" Fu Hua offered before another voice popped in her head.

"Would that even work? Falsifying your accent?" The Herrscher of Sentience asked.

"It's better than nothing." Fu Hua reasoned before clearing her throat too.

"...Eelevin." She called out in a ridiculous voice, now prompting Y/N to look at her weirdly.

"Eelevin." She repeated.

"I guess you came from the same part of England as Dick van Dyke?" Y/N questioned before the girl deadpanned at him.

"Then by all means, let's hear yours." Fu Hua stated before the Herrscher's voice in her head added her own cent.


"Please speak slowly and clearly." The elevator speaker then called out to which HoS then repeated her insult.

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