[OMAKE] - Who Broke It?

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(POV - 3RD)

"So... who broke it?" Y/N questioned, his gun-spear hybrid weapon laying on the table, its gun barrel twisted and its blade chipped.

Standing around him and looking at the broken weapon was Kiana, Mei, Bronya, Himeko, Theresa and Jingwei, all quiet and looking slightly nervous.

"I'm not mad, I just want to know." Y/N said, his expression unmoving.

"...I did, I broke it-" After a few seconds of silence, Mei spoke up.

"No, no you didn't... Kiana?" Y/N interrupted her, silencing her with a finger to her lips before questioning the said Valkyrie.

"Don't look at me, look at Bratnya." Kiana stated, glancing at the petite girl floating next to her.

"Bronya did not break it." Retorted the said girl immediately.

"Huh, that's weird, how did you even know it's broken?" Kiana hummed, pointing accusingly and gazing at Bronya intensely.

"Because subject Y/N's weapon is laid right in front of us, and it's broken."

"Suspicious." Kiana whispered loudly for Y/N to hear.

"No it's not!" Bronya interjected from the side.

"If it matters, probably not but... Jingwei was the last one to touch it." Himeko said after a second, earning the Fu Hua lookalike's ire.

"LIAR! I DON'T EVEN USE THAT CRAP!" The Herrscher denied the claim heatedly.

Y/N's eye twitched.

"Oh really, then what were you doing next to it earlier?" Himeko questioned.

"Because the old dragon wanted me to retrieve it for him, I obviously need to grab it, it's not that hard to understand, you rotten auntie!" Jingwei stated angrily.

"Alright, let's not fight, I broke it, let me fix it for you-" Mei interrupted the incoming argument between Himeko and Jingwei.

"No. Who broke it?!" Y/N demanded, after silencing Mei again.

After another minute of silence, Bronya silently floated up to Y/N's head level before whispering into his ears quietly.

"Y/N... Bronya thinks subject Theresa has been awfully quiet." The girl said, but unfortunately, not quietly enough as the mentioned headmaster heard it.

"REALLY?!" Theresa exclaimed,

"Yes, really."

"I'll get Judah on you, brat!"

"What did say about me being a 'rotten auntie'?"

"You heard me, drunk cow!"

"You little shi-"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Kiana, don't encourage them, everyone please stop fighting-"




"...So who broke it?" Fu Hua asked, being the one to stand at the back of the commotion.

The table where the girls stood was still filled with heated arguments and accusations while the time traveller and the class monitor stood and watched.

"I broke it." Y/N stated.

"Huh?" Fu Hua turned to him.

"The bullet was stuck in the barrel when I was testing it out so I had to throw it away before it could implode." Y/N confessed, ignoring Fu Hua's looks at him.

"I predict ten minutes from now the collateral damage is going to rise and this place is going to get razed while they're still at each other throats." Y/N continued.

"Why..?" Fu Hua asked after a few seconds of silence, digesting the information.

"I was getting a little bored, all my studies are done and there are no solo missions today."



"I think it's better to tell them before everything gets out of control." Fu Hua said after a minute while some furniture are already getting thrown across the room.

"Leave them be... I've endured their shenanigans for too long." Y/N stated.

"...Are you still upset over those times?" Fu Hua asked.

"No." Replied Y/N.

"Are you really not upset?" The monitor pressed as the commotion at the table got louder and more physical.




"Really?" Fu Hua asked again, ignoring a thrown chair out the window.

"Yes." Y/N stated, tilting his head to avoid a judo-flipped Jingwei.

"Do you want a kiss as compensation?" Fu Hua innocently added.

"Yes... wait, no, hold up, what-"

Before Y/N could say anything else, his lips were immediately sealed by another pair, soft and delicate was all he felt as the former did not manage to react in time.

"Huh..?" Was all Y/N could say as Fu Hua walked away, leaving the room just as Jingwei manage to wake up and point at him.

"You sneaky sonuvabitch! I wanted one as well!" She complained.


Main story chapter's still in development, whether you want this to be canon or not is completely up to you.

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