The Girl in the Sweater

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Chapter 2
The Girl in the Sweater
Your Point of View

I woke up to the buzzing sound of my grandparents' alarm clock. It isn't in my room; it's in theirs. Their alarm clock is that loud.

Since I'm up, I might as well get ready. I'm not going anywhere, but it isn't my house. Someone I don't know could come in and see me in my pajamas!

After I put on random clothes from my unpacked bags, I decide to not put any shoes on because I'm staying inside. I mean, every now-and-then I have shoes on inside, but I just got up!

I walk into the kitchen to see that the dumb alarm clock woke them up, too. Obviously.

"(Y/N), we decided that you'll be outside for most of the day. You know, make some friends and get to know the place more!" Grandma says cheerfully. She places a plate with pancakes and a bottle of syrup on the table. "It's yours, dear." I believe she's referring to me because Grandpa isn't moving from the couch. He's just sitting there reading the newspaper.

I sit on the chair and begin eating.

"These are really good," I say with a full mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Grandpa scolds. I swallow.

"Sorry, Grandpa."

After I finish, they force me to go outside. Knowing I won't win, I put on a pair of flip-flops and head out. I didn't want to go into town so I go into the forest. It's slightly creepy and filled with animals. I didn't think I'd be anymore frightened of this area until...

"Hi!" a cheerful brunette, who came out of nowhere, greets me. I couldn't help it. I scream and fall back. "OH, MY GOSH! I'M SOOOO SORRY!" She helps me up as a smile forms on her face, showing off her braces. "I'm Mabel."


"What a pretty name!" Mabel, as she said, compliments. "I'll make it up to you, (Y/N). How about..." She suddenly gasps. "A SLEEPOVER!" Mabel raises her arms up to where I can see the design on her sweater, a sun. Probably for the summer. Wait... SHE'S WEARING A SWEATER!?

"Well, I haven't had a sleepover-" Before I could finish, she cuts me off.

"GREAT! It'll just me, you, and Candy and Grenda!" She freezes. "...and Dipper," she murmurs as if 'Dipper' is someone or something I'm not aloud to know about.

"Dipper?" I ask.

"Dipper is my... uhh... brother."


"He won't bother us, though! He'll probably stay in Soos' break room until you, Candy, and Grenda go home. Or we'll stay there. One or the other!"

I have a feeling I can't say no. I don't mind, really. She seems nice and all. It's just... boys. I've never thought straight when I'm around one I'm not related to. Also, my grandparents won't let me stay with someone that has a brother. Well, one that's nine and up.

"How old is he?" I ask.

"He's twelve. He looks like me but a guy and no braces." Mabel keeps her smile on her face, like it's permanently attached. "Anyways, I'm staying the summer at the Mystery Shack. Bye! I hope you can come!" She waves. I wave back.

Well, I know I said that I'll update once everyday, but I guess I lied. I wrote this actually about a few hours ago. I just decided that I'll update randomly. I will try update often.

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