Help Me

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Chapter 26
Help Me
Your Point of View

Just as I'm about to open the door, a quiet - showing it's coming from farther away - scream of pain is heard. My hand drops, and I stare at the forest. I shouldn't, I think. I really shouldn't. Except, this is one of those moments when my body doesn't listen to my brain and does it anyways.

Before I even realize I'm deep into the forest and (G) will be very angry at me, I find a child's bloody shoe just lying there. Two murders two days in a roll?! Even worse, a messed up love triangle that lead to death and a dead child?! Man, Gravity Falls isn't at all like what (G) said!

I knew Gravity Falls is odd since the moment we had crossed it's border. I mean, there's a triangular, one-eyed demon that can enter our mind and mess with our mentality! What the heck is weirder than that?! If there is something, I definitely don't want to know about it!

I stare down at the child's body. I've seen this kid before. I don't where exactly. The kid's eyes open up to reveal a pair of beautiful, (E/C) eyes staring back at me. Not dead! Not dead! She is definitely not dead!

"Hi," I say, waving at the little, (H/C) girl.

"Help," she says. "me."

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