More Time is What I Need

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Chapter 17
More Time is What I Need
Your Point of View


The sun shines on my face as I groan, fluttering my eyes open. The first thing that came to my mind is that how close the week's end is. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. The word somehow makes me feel as if the world's about to end. Only, I don't know why.

As I sit up that demon alarm clock goes off. Why does it feel as if I'm what sets it off? I look over to the clock on my phone. It has a different time than the last. Yep, there's something wrong with that clock.

Might as well change, going somewhere or not.

Dipper's Point of View

I wake up to peace and quiet. Is Mabel dead?! I look over to find myself awake before her. That's actually strange on week nights. I drop myself back onto the bed. Then, a voice annoyingly yells my name.

"DIPPPPEEEERRRRR!!!" I groan, throwing the old cover over my head. "WAAAAKE UUP!"

"I've been up, Mabel!" I yell back.

"Oh. Okay! I'll be downstairs!"


"Ooooor I could stay up here longer." I laugh as I uncover my head and pull out the third Journal.

Mabel's Point of View

"Ooooor I could stay up here longer," I tell Dipper at the sound of Stan-cakes. I hear him laugh at my response to the Stan-cakes. I giggle along.

These moments make me wonder what (Y/N)'s mornings are like. I'm pretty sure Dipper does, too.

Your Point of View

"No, I'm not hungry," I mubble to my grandpa who offered to make me breakfast since Grandma woke up sick. "Thanks anyways, Grandpa." Of course, I'm not leaving him alone with a sick person! I'm staying here today to help out.

I sigh at the amazing, gentle view from out the window. How does something so amazing hold so many deadly monsters? That's when something creepy smacks against the window, scaring me. Mabel's face presses against the window with a bright smile showing her braces. Her nose is raised up and her eyebrows are flat.


"Mabel, you scared me!"

"I come in peace."

"I'll let you in, but you can't go upstairs, okay?"

"Okay." She takes her face off the window, and I open the door, allowing her to come in. "Dipper's at the shack chasing a bird that got inside."

"Why is he chasing it? Why not your great uncle?"

She grabs me by the shoulder and whispers into my ear, "I overheard Grunkle Stan telling Soos that he's giving Dipper most if all the hard word to toughen him up. Honestly, it's working pretty good."

"I'm having mixed feeling about Stan's theory."

"You're just worried about him!"


"It's because you like-like him, right? I know I'm right." No matter where I go, I cannot get out of these conversations. I remain speechless. I just need... more time.

"I don't believe."

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