Author of the Journals

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Chapter 24
Author of the Journals
Your Point of View

<Sunday Morning>

It had taken the rest of yesterday, all last night, and so far of today, but we finally got the portal ready to start. Stan tries to figure out how to work the countdown as I wrap my forearm in badges. I grab his arm and bandage up his injured hand.

"Kid, you better be hoping your (G) is almost here."


"When this thing starts up and you're still here, you'd wish you left. The gravity will, indeed, go a little... nuts."

"The thing is, I don't want to leave. I can't believe it's already Sunday! What is so important that I have to leave?! Why can't I see what I've put all this hard work in for?!"

"Look, I didn't want to tell you this, but helping me with this could've lost the trust Dipper and Mabel have for you. It still can. If you're gone when it starts up, they'd never blame you. Just me."

"Then tell them why you're doing it!"

"They'd never believe me."

"What if I told them?"

"I don't want you to risk anything. Dipper and Mabel need a good friend, and you shouldn't have to take the loss."

"By the end of today, they'll never see me again! For the rest of the summer, they'll be living with you! You shouldn't have to take the loss! Family before friends, Stanford!"

"The name's Stanley, by the way."

"You told Dipper and Mabel your name is Stanford! How long have you been lying?!"

"A very long time, kid."

"Then, who's Stanford?"

"The author of the journals. My brother."

After a while of the Stans arguing, I finally speak up.

"Excuse me."

"Stanley, who is this?"

"Stanley? But your name's Stanford!" Stanley and Stanford ignore Mabel's comment.

"Just a... umm... friend."

"A friend?"

"Yeah, since when were you two friends?" Dipper butts in.

"Around when Mabel was talking about that guy with his head blown off."

"Oh, yeah! We found out who killed him, too!"

"As young as you are?" Stanford asks. "How old are? Eight?"

"I'm twelve, going on thirteen. Why does everyone think that?! I'm average sized!"

"No you're not," I tease.

"I'm taller than you, (Y/N)!"

"Only because you wear that hat all the time. Oh! Important question!"

"Is it about the real Stanford being in the portal?" Soos, who I just noticed is here, asks.

"No. Why do you wear that hat all the time?"

"To hide his embarrassing birthmark! He told me not to tell you about it, though! You didn't hear it from me!" Mabel yells.

"Mabel," Dipper hisses.

"I wanna see it!" I say. "Does it look like George Washington?"


"I don't know. I just thought it would be cool if your birthmark looked like George Washington."

"Really? Why George Washington?"

"I was going to say David Tennant!"

"Why do think it's going to look like a person?"

"She said embarrassing. No, wait. Having a birthmark that looks like David Tennant would be awesome!"

Dipper takes his cap off and holds up his bangs to reveal a Big Dipper shaped birthmark.

"Aw~! I think it's kinda cute!"


"Okay, you two lovebirds," Stanley starts. "go upstairs and take Mabel and Soos with you. (Y/N) probably has her (G) waiting."

Mabel, Dipper, Soos, and I exit the basement and the snack machine.

"So, who did kill that man?" I ask after an awkward amount of silence.

"It ends out, the murderer wasn't from Oregon! Her name's Kirra Hockington from Austin, Texas. The dead man, Owen Small, was cheating on her. She didn't know until she came to see him again in Forks, Oregon. Kirra decapitated Owen when they were taking a trip to Gravity Falls. His body was freshly killed when we got there, therefore, Kirra didn't get very far."

"It's a shame people are so dumb."

"True." Dipper sits beside me. Both your faces suddenly heat up.

When that familiar car pulls up, I immediately want to run away, deep into Gravity Falls's forest.

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