- Prologue -

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After the monastery was finally rebuilt, the ninja was able to relax and rest after the big battle with all the villains and the overlord. Master Wu was just staying in his library investing all his time into his scrolls, even if he has read them over multiple times. As for the ninja, they were doing what we usually catch them doing after a big battle,

Playing Video Games, and just being Lazy.

Cole had his signature hat on while playing Prime Empire with Jay and Kai. Nya was just in her room sleeping, and Zane was with PIXAL in the underground base making repairs and upgrades. And Lloyd was just in the courtyard, training. Okay, maybe some weren't laying around but still, there were no adventures and villains to face! Some selected criminals turned a new leaf, and the big ones were sent to Kryptarium prison, Garmadon is learning how to be good and Harumi finally got closure over her parent's death. Everything was peaceful, so what's the point of the ninja being there?

"Lloyd, I and PIXAL have a new identity scanner for the monastery's defense system, could you test it for us?" Zane asked from the doors, Lloyd paused and responded "Sure Zane, I've been training since breakfast." Lloyd followed Zane to the entrance and entered the elevator and PIXAL's digital voice was being played over the intercom.

"Hello, please stand perfectly still."

"What's happening now?"

"We decided to not mention that this scan is an identity scanner. It would be for the better."

"Oh, makes sense, in a way."

"Scan complete, welcome Lloyd and Zane."

The base still looked the same, just a few upgrades here and there, maybe some more space for their future vehicles. New mechs were in place, their screens were in order, and everything was ready for a big mission.

"If only there was one..." 

"Apologies? I didn't catch that Lloyd, could you repeat it?"

"Nothing Zane, it's just... Ninjago is at peace again, and I'm happy about that but..."


"We have nothing to do...again."

"Well, at least we have tons of time to prepare for a battle that is being planned behind us."

"Is there any point to it?"

"Lloyd, even if Ninjago is in no need of us as Ninja, it could need us as people, citizens."

Lloyd just sighed at Zane's comment, it made sense. Maybe they could help as citizens, or just maybe live the life they could never live. He decided to assist Zane and PIXAL downstairs with bringing parts and just helping, even if they have the MiniPIX helping.

Meanwhile with Nya...

Nya was just soundly sleeping in her room when she hears something, she stirred in her sleep as the cries got louder, it was the cries of whales. She slowly awoke from her nap and looked out her window, then at a cup of water next to her. With her powers slowly returning, she started having weird water episodes like when Wojira was on its way to life, again.

She hears the cries, it was loud, and they sounded worried. She decided to head down to the port and see what the cries were about. As she walked to the TV to enter the base, she saw Jay, Kai, and Cole just playing away.

"Do you guys ever get tired of that game?" Nya questions while grabbing the ninja stars and getting into position to throw them "Nope, it's Prime Empire! There's a lot to do!" Jay states as he clicks his controller. Nya rolls her eyes whilst smirking, throwing the stars, and opening the entrance.

On her way down, she encountered the new identity scanner:

"Hello, please stand perfectly still."

"What the"

"Scan complete, welcome Nya."

"Oh, that's what that does."

As she exits the elevator she sees PIXAl, Zane, and Lloyd working. "Oh hey, guys." Nya said, waving to her friends, "Good morning Nya, rest well?" PIXAL asked while typing in some code into the big screen. "Yeah, haven't napped that well in a bit. Oh uhm by the way, I'm going down to the port." Lloyd lifted his mask, looking at her curiously "Why the port?", "Well, I've been hearing these whale cries since I woke up, so I wanted to check if everything was alright." Zane tossed Nya the keys to her motorbike and her earpiece "Okay then if anything happens tell us as soon as you can." Nya nodded in response to Zane's request and climbed on, PIXAL opened the gate to allow her to drive out of the base and towards Ninjago Cities port.

The drive there was nice, there was a calm breeze, the sun wasn't that hot, and there wasn't much traffic. Even when Nya entered Ninjago City, the traffic was small and all the people were happy. But as Nya grew closer to the port, the cries of the whales got louder. Once Nya parked her bike, she immediately noticed the whales and jumped down onto a boat to get closer to the whales.

"Hey hey! What's going on? You hurt anywhere little fellow?" Nya asked in a low yet carrying voice while brushing her hand against the whale when someone emerged from the water:

"Benthomaar! How've you been since the battle?"

"I've been well Nya, but I've not come here just for a friendly conversation."

"Why? What's the problem?"

"I've been getting this... murky feeling in the oceans Northern and Southern Kingdoms."

"Murky? And wait, there are more underwater kingdoms?!"

"of course, us merlopians are older but there are others."

"Woah, but what do you mean by 'murky'?"

"Like, something bad is about to happen. I was hoping you and your friends could join me in visiting both kingdoms?"

"Oh sure, do you want to come with me back to the Monastery to explain more?"

"If it's not a bother."


The King leaves the water and hops onto the bike with Nya as they make their way to the monastery. Whatever this problem is, it sure is better than just laying around with not much to do aside from fixing, playing, and training. But Nya was starting to also feel this faint... murky feeling Benthomaar mentioned, wonder why that is? As they exit Ninjago City and make their way toward the mountain, someone else starts to feel this horrible feeling...


"I feel like there is a change in nature..." Master Wu said while looking at a scroll that showed the waves, but what does it say? No one knows other than him and I.

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