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*Song recommendations: any song that's soft*

As the door lifts open, Nya and Bentomaar enter the base, PIXAL was now torching some metal on one of the mechs while Zane and Lloyd were sweeping the surface of the ground. PIXAL was the first to acknowledge Nya's return and Benthomaar's presence. "Nya, I see you've brought Benthomaar, or should I say King Benthomaar?" She said, dropping the torch onto the table to head towards the two. Zane and Lloyd followed her lead, dropping their cleaning supplies and heading over to the pair, "Please, no need for formalities, we're friends after all." he stated, "What brings you here Benthomaar? Is there a celebration? Or your coronation?" Zane inquired.

"I'm afraid it's not one of those, it's a slightly trivial matter." He sighed, "The North and South Kingdoms have stopped communicating through our messengers, they've gone quiet and I'm feeling a change in the tides, I wanted to check on both of the kingdoms on my own but..." he paused, lowering his head. The four of them had never seen Benthomaar like this since his battle with his brother, it was quite worrying "This feeling I'm getting is making me feel like I mustn't go.", "But you're the king of the whole Ocean! Isn't it your duty to ensure everything else in the sea is in order?" Lloyd stated, shrugging his arms along with his words. Benthomaar nodded, it truly was his duty to look after the sea and its creatures.


But these are the North and South Kingdoms, these kingdoms have been around since the death of Wojira, meaning they are as ancient. "The rulers are older, and much wiser than I am. I doubt they will even listen to the adopted son of Trimaar, the fallen king of Merlopia. I'm not even a full-blooded merlopian!" He slightly raised his voice while stating his insecurities, "But that didn't stop you from defeating your brother, and becoming the beloved new king of the Endless Sea, did it?" Nya asked, giving Benthmaar a gentle smile, "We will gladly join you on your journey to the two kingdoms Benthomaar." Zane said, the sound of a ding being heard in the background.

"so, you're returning to the sea?" Master Wu asked, stepping out of the elevator. "Well, yeah pretty much. But master, Benthomaar is our friend and it would be nice to go on an adventure again." Lloyd responded, trying to negotiate with their Master. "Remember the last time you were all bored out of your minds and then went on a journey in search of an adventure? Did you forget you all awoke Aspheera?", "We promise Master, we won't wake up any villains or anything of the sort! Besides, it's a little journey to new kingdoms, what harm will it do?" Master Wu looked hesitant, his gut was tugging away at him, but the pros outweighed the cons only by a bit. "Very well, you all leave for the docks at dawn tomorrow. I suggest you start packing now since you'll be in the sea for quite a while." Lloyd smiled widely as he thanked his Master.

Timeskip to 5pm - Ninjago time


Benthomaar went back to the sea so he could prepare for the journey as well. So throughout the whole afternoon, the ninjas were running back and forth through the halls of the monastery. It was just pure chaos:

"Should I bring some sandals?!"


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒉 𝑺𝒆𝒂Where stories live. Discover now