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*Song recommendations: any song that gives you 'under the sea' vibes*

It's been a few hours since they departed the docks, and PIXAL and Zane were watching the Hydro Bounties' stats. Everyone else was wandering the Hydro Bounty, Nya was touring Master Wu, Harumi, and Garmadon. Everyone was just either having fun or napping.

Lloyd was one of the people napping, or at least trying to. He couldn't get the dream out of his mind, the person or creature was enchanting. The teal eyes that looked right back at his own, made him feel so calm, the eyes resembled a lagoon, a clean and peaceful place. Her voice was silvery, clear, and pleasant for him to hear. He wanted to see this creature or person again, he tried to stare into her eyes, listen to her sing, he just wanted to see HER again.

He almost dozed off when the door was pushed open causing it to screech. "And here is our sleeping quar- OH SHOOT WERE YOU SLEEPING LLOYD? I AM SO SORRY!" Lloyd slowly got up, "It's fine Nya, I was just a bit dizzy." Nya had a sorry look on her face, Lloyd gave her a tired yet reassuring smile as he exited the room, walking past the group. Harumi wanted to say something but thought against it, she watched as he walked down the hallway to who knows where.

A time skip of 2 hours - Clock time


The group, aside from the two nindroids, were chatting about any topic that came to mind when Zane's voice came over the intercom. "We have arrived in the kingdom of Merlopia." everyone made their way to the bridge to see the kingdom. do you remember how Cole and Kai weren't there to see the kingdom? Along with Wu? Well, their jaws dropped. "Wait, didn't we get help from some guards to get here last time?" Jay asked, pointing out a very important detail, "We did, you just didn't see them swim by." PIXAL responded, with a smug look on her face.

The Merlopians took them to the bay, the Hydro Bounty rose from the water. Everyone slowly got out, some were a little dizzy but it was a smooth trip. "King Benthomaar is in the throne room, please follow me." The Guard was leading them through a glass hallway, allowing them to see out into the kingdom. "It's so beautiful here, I could stare at it for hours," Harumi mumbled, and everyone agreed. The beautiful neon foliage caught their eyes and the vibrant colors of the corals contrasted the dark rocks, the sounds of happy merlopians can faintly be heard from where they were. The kingdom was lively, and Benthomaar was managing well.

The big doors were pushed open, a similar feeling was shot through some selected ninjas, to be more specific, the ones that have already been there. "Benthomaar! Are we ready to embark on our journey?" Lloyd asked, everyone eagerly waiting. "Well we are, but we have a few things to discuss before we go." As he stood from his throne, his royal assistant, Glutinous, opened a long sheet of paper, "The journey could last weeks due to the distance we need to travel. But with your method of transport, you can get there in a few days. I recommend you all head towards the South Kingdom first, we have no telling how those in the North are now." The glowing serpent said, opening the second scroll, and showing it to the group. "We already sent a message to them informing them of your arrival within the next few days." Benthomaar smiled, "Perfect, you're dismissed Glutinous!" Glutinous bowed and left the throne room. Benthomaar stepped down from the throne and smiled. "I'll get the things I need, then we can go. You guys can wait in the dining hall or at the bay, I'll be quick since I'm not bringing much." They told him they would just wait at the bay since there wasn't any point in heading to the dining hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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