Chapter 6: Ultimate Attack

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It's already been 13 years since I reincarnated in this world. The missing fragment that I was seeking in my previous life to complete my eminence in the shadow set, was abundant in this new world as it is part of nature.

Magic or Mana can be found everywhere. It is present inside all life, even the air that we breathe. Although magic is mostly used as a weapon, it's not like I'm complaining.

In fact, I am very well grateful.

Since carrying a weapon is the norm, you won't catch other people's attention if you carry one. Unlike in my previous country, Japan, where weapons are strictly prohibited.

Moreover, it also gives the bandits the opportunity to attack carriages and steal their valuables. And that's the right timing for me to attack them and take their loot for the sake of revenge.

The more they steal, the richer I become.

So keep it up! I'm rooting for the abundant loot.

"Young master Cid," someone called me. "Master is calling for you."

I glanced at the source of the voice and found a maroon haired girl dressed in a maid costume.

"Lead the way."

I put down the cup of juice on the table and followed behind the maid.

There are many nobles present in our mansion tonight for Kiyotaka's and my 13th birthday. But I don't fancy this kind of event and a mob such as myself prefers to be in the background rather than be the center of attention.

That's why I'm very grateful to Kiyotaka for taking the role of the main character. Nobles from the countryside and few from the capital surrounded him like moths surrounding a light bulb.

"Is Mr. Kiyotaka planning to attend the Midgar Royal Spellsword Academy or the Science Faculty of the same academy?"

"How rude of you to recommend young master Kiyotaka to the science faculty. He is a prodigy of the sword and doing something else is a waste for such a talented individual."

"But haven't you heard, young master Kiyotaka is also a genius in science related fields. He might create revolutionary ideas or make discoveries that will significantly contribute to the country."

Who knows he will receive a wedding proposal from one of those girls or find the love of his life. Well, either way, I wish him the best of luck 🙏.

The difference between me and him is like the gap between heaven and earth. He is widely known for his talent in the sword and brilliant mind while I am your background character who can't even do a simple task without messing something up in the process.

I even heard some talk about me being a failure of the family since it is the first time in the entire generation of the Kagenoh to produce someone who is very average in swordsmanship.

I like it though. The more they think of me as a mob, the more successful my plan is.

Since The Eminence in Shadow and a Mob are two sides of the same coin.

We ascended the stairs and some fellow background characters approached me.

"Yow Cid."

An acquaintance who looks like a boiled potato called out to me.

On his left is a boy holding his glass of wine, emitting a mature aura on him, acting like a hunk but in fact is a pathetic chump that you can find anywhere.

Boiled Potato is named Po and Mr. Chump is Skel.

"Are you guys enjoying the party?"

"Yeah! The food and wine is delicious." Po responded in enthusiasm.

My Psychopath of a lil Brother: Eminence in Shadow x Classroom of the Elite Where stories live. Discover now