Twenty Nine: Hero of Luna City

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Monday night, Luna lies beneath me as I stand on the top of its tallest tower in the centre of the city.

If anything, it is much more colourful than Gotham; and extremely clean. From this point I see the hospital, the new Wayne Tech Tower being built, the tallest apartment, the bank tower, the lake; beautiful.

Beautiful and mine to protect.

And tonight I have already done much of that. Two bank robberies and three attacks. In less than six hours out here that happened.

I crack my knuckles and jump up onto the rails. I can be Doctor Shiloh of Royal Luna Hospital by day, and Luna City Hero Girl Lantern by night.

I decide to embark on a search for trouble to my left. I shoot off the tower and fly down much lower, into the view of some civilians.

Finding crime in times like this is not hard.

I spot a boy walking along the footpath, alone. His hands are in his pockets and he looks cold. That's one of Luna's biggest problems; child poverty.

Silently, I drop down onto the rooftops and walk alongside and above him in the shadows. I want to make sure he gets wherever he's going safely.

At the same time, I need a low-down on the gangs here.

Up ahead, there is a group of around four men walking towards the boy. In my head I can see the way this will turn out, so I reduce the sound of my walking and take a step further into the roof shadows.

The boy turns right into an alleyway. I creep over to the edge, staying low. Seconds later the four men join him.

"Have you got it?" The men ask.


This boy reaches into his jumper pocket and pulls out a bag. He hands it to one of the four. Whilst that one checks the bag, another reaches into his windbreaker.

I ready incase it's a gun. However he pulls out a wad of cash. When the guy who holds the bag gives a nod, the money is handed to the boy.

"Same place, this time, same amount, next week; all right?"

The boy nods, before turning around and walking away.

I decide to follow him instead of the men. I follow him all the way through the dark streets. Everything is so silent he could easily hear me breath.

There is a small ping behind me. I freeze and turn around, making a fist, ready to use my powers to attack. No one is there.

I listen again, but what I hear is much worse. The boy sniffles and wipes his eyes, whimpering quietly. The little boy is crying.

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