Eight: When, Not If

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When I wake up, I know I am exhausted. My chest stings, my head aches and my limbs tingle. My eyes open to see Siren and M'gann staring down at me.

"Hana!" M'gann screams, pulling me into a hug. Wait...

"You remember?" I whisper, pulling back.

She grins and nods. 

"You remember!" I yell this time, hugging her tightly. She laughs like she used to when she was sixteen. I had been so afraid it would not work.

"W-Wait. Why do I-"

"It drained almost all of your magical energy."

Of course. "Do I....Do I have to go in order?"

"In order?"

"From eleven to one."

"Generally, yes."

"Number nine," my attention goes to Doctor Fate. Nabu sighs, but nods to me firmly. 

"I doubt the spell would have effected him," he says as I stand.

I look at Siren. "Can I try again?" 

"Of course. The damage may lessen, now that your aura knows the magic it needs."

I nod, then my eyes meet Aqualad. He seems to realise it's his turn. He walks over and does exactly what M'gann had done.

"Let's see...a crab claw necklace. In the mountain, I'd set up what I called the 'Sanctuary'. I had multiply types of animals in there; alien, Earth born... then you gave me some Atlanean Crabs to complete the mix. You even managed to get some for me on my twentieth birthday, which was during you time under cover. But anyway... this necklace is one you gave me when I came to you for advice. You and M'gann both knew what it was like to leave your homes. My problem was small in comparison... but I was eighteen, and D-....Nightwing, and I, decided to move in together. When I felt conflicted, seeing as Mount Justice had been my home, you helped me decide. You explained it. We were-"

"-Talking on the Great Happy Harbour Cliff," he finishes, like M'gann had done. A grin appears on my face, before the same process began. 

The necklace begins floating up from the chest. I grip it, as does Kaldur. The familiar blue energy thrums over my system like a wave, before charging down my arm.

Immediately, he is charged with the same energy. Instead of feeling a sharp pain like last time, I feel a dull ache. It begins in my chest and spreads outwards until my whole body feels the strange sensation.

Like last time, I see random memories with Kaldur flashing in my eyes, before the energy cuts off and the two of us are thrown back violently, only this time, I end up flying and catching myself.

Landing, I stare at him. Conner helps him stand as he rubs his head. I wait cautiously, a part of me still afraid that I am lost to him.

His eyes meet mine. Then he smiles. "How could I have forgotten you?"

Light of the Midnight: We Are Celestial [BOOK 3]Where stories live. Discover now