Where it all started

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I have to say, life is going good at the moment. I sure hope it stays that way. I have a great best friend, Nikki, we have been friends since we were 7 and it has probably been the best 8 years of my life.

I recently started dating a boy. His names Fin and he's 2 years older than me making him 17. I wouldn't dare tell my brothers about Fin because they would go crazy and God knows what they would do.

The triplets asked me if i wanted to go to LA with them for a couple weeks and I said yes because I had nothing better to do.

I used to go to a public school but i have been home schooled since Nick, Matt and Chris started to become more famous. School was getting too much mentally anyway.

I texted Fin and Nikki and told them i was going to LA for a couple weeks and i started packing.

I hadn't been in any of their videos mainly because they would go out to film at like 2am and i would be asleep as i would have school in the morning.

I thought that LA would be fun as i hadn't been out of Boston in ages. When we got there it felt great! When the triplets went to do meet and greets they dropped me off in shopping malls and oh my god i could have spent millions in there!
Once they finished they would pick me up and see my stood there waiting with like 5 bags of stuff. Don't worry it's not my money, it's theirs :). They gave me their cards so i used them. Not my fault.

They went to a lot of meet and greets so obviously they didn't drop me at shopping malls everytime. Cuz if they did they would be broke.

When i wasn't going shopping i was either walking around taking in the scenery or just sat in the hotel. The hotel we were staying at had a Library so i went there quite a bit.

We had been in LA for a while and it was finally time to go home. I was debating on buying another suitcase cuz i bought quite a lot of stuff but i managed to fit everything in.

We got back on the 13th of February meaning valentines was tomorrow. While we were in LA i bought Fin's present so i wouldn't have to ask someone to take me to the shop when we got back.

When we got back i was determined to see Nikki so as soon as i unpacked i texted her asking to meet up. I told everyone i was going out and said bye. 
I walked to Nikki's and we walked to the park and talked the whole time. Then just out of no where she just pulls a vape out her pocket. Is it bad that i wasn't surprised?

She shoves it in my face and says "Wanna try it?" I lightly pushed her hand away and said "No thanks i'm good." She kept pushing me till i gave in and tried it.

Did i hate it? Not exactly. Did i have more than one puff? Maybe, but, i will never EVER own one. I would get killed. I'm not even joking. But it was actually quite nice i can't even lie. It made me forget about all the bad things in life just for a couple minuets.
It was getting late and i wanted to get home as i had to wake up at a decent time to see Fin the next day. I walked into the house at 9:30 pm to my brothers sat in the kitchen and Chris running towards me shouting.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?" I looked at him like he was crazy and said "Out with Nikki. Why?" He didn't shout this time but still sounded angry. "You know your curfew is 9 and it's 9:30!" I started at him blankly and said "ok?"  Matt jumped in said "Chris lay off her. It's only half an hour and as long as she is ok it doesn't matter." Nick agreed and i thanked them and walked up to my room. I led in my bed and fell asleep.

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