Its getting better

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After a while i managed to start eating properly again and taking care of myself more. The triplets asked me to be in some of their car videos and i turned them down until today. I got bored and thought fuck it ill do it.  It was actually a lot of fun. Since they found out about everything we started hanging out more. I wasnt complaining because it was honestly the best time of my life. It had been about 3 months and we were going to a zoo for a video. It was me, Nick, Matt, Chris, Nate and Madi. Nate and Madi slept over the night before to make travel easier so me and Madi got ready in my room. After we finished we just sat in my room for a while talking cuz the boys were taking ages. We were talking about random stuff when out of nowhere Madi asks "Do you have a crush on anyone right now?" I looked at her and could feel myself going slightly red. "No... Why?" Madi laughed and said "Oh come on that is such a lie! Omg who is it?" I turned away from her to compose myself and answered "If i tell you have to promise not to tell anyone especially the boys!" she nodded and giggled waiting for my answer. "Ok. It's-" As soon as i was about to say who it was Nick walked in and said "We are going now so come downstairs!" When he left Madi looked at me to say 'carry on' but i ran downstairs and she tried to grab me so i screamed. She was so close that when i got downstairs i didnt have a lot of time to find a place to hide so i ran and stood behind Matt and Chris. They turned around to ask me what was wrong but i told them to pretend i wasnt there. "Y/N CHARLOTTE STURNIOLO WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO!" Yeh Charlotte wasnt the best middle name but its better than Bernard so... (if your name is charlotte im sorry it was the first name that came to my head) Everyone said they didnt know so Madi went to see if i was in the car so before anyone could ask me what was going on i ran out the back door. I walked around the house and when i was by the car i stepped on a stick and it snapped (wow thats never happend in anything before :0) Madi looked straight at me. "Shit." I turned to run and as i was running through the garden i tripped and fell. By then Madi had obviously caught up and she laughed and asked if i was ok. I stood up and turned to her saying i was fine. She looked at me shocked so i said "What? Whats wrong is there something on my face?" I felt around my face and saw blood on my hands. I started laughing and said "Oh shit i should probably sort that out before we leave. I think ill need to get changed aswell." I looked down at my clothes and saw dirt and blood on my top. We tried to get in quietly so the boys wouldnt notice and freak out but as soon as we got in Nate was stood there and he looked up and ran to me. "Yo what the fuck happened?"He lifted my face up looking at my nose. The noise made the other boys come over and before they could say anything i said "Im fine i swear i just fell over. Im gonna get changed and clean myself up then we can go. Im sorry" Madi looked guilty and said "No im sorry if i didnt chase you this wouldnt have happened." I shook my head at her and said it wasnt her fault and she shouldnt blame herself.  Nate offered to help me clean myself up cuz it would be quicker so i said yes. We went into the bathroom and i sat on the counter next to the sink while Nate got out the medical wipes and whatever. He stood between my legs and started cleaning my face. I found myself constantly looking into his eye. I didnt realise how blue they were until now. Once he had finished i thanked and went to get change. Madi said she wanted to sit in the back with me so we could 'talk' but i knew exactly what she wanted to 'talk' about.

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