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Stu and Billy got done with a murder, they were now in bed together, basking in each other's comfort. They had girlfriends, sure, but they liked each other more,  that was clear by the way Stu was kissing Billy, tongue thrusting against Billy's as they grinded against each other, they were so entangled with each other, but it was slow, tonight was their first kill that was televised, a pretty big deal to them.

Billy wasn't an average guy though, Stu knew that he didn't have sex with Sidney yet because he didn't exactly have a dick. And he didn't like her in a sexual way, either way, he was trans. Stu knew this, and Stu didn't complain, he loved Billy either way anyways.

Here they were, Billy grinding against Stu's thigh, this was the first time they have wanted to go further than sloppy makeout sessions and sultry grinding, and Billy might've wanted one thing, but Stu was going to make sure that this was going to be a good first time for them.

"Ah, Stu please take- too many clothes," Billy complained, he was usually pretty bratty regardless of the situation, but tonight he was in a weird mindset, so Stu noticed, he was a lot more submissive to him in a way. Stu took off his shirt and pants, Billy following suit, but instead of normal boxers, he had lingerie, red. Stu groaned and held Billy's waist.
"Babygirl you will be the death of me," Stu said, a groan punctuating the sentence with how Billy grinded against his boxers.

Billy just smiled and flipped them to where he was on the bottom. Stu looked at him with pure admiration.
"Get on with it already Stu," Billy basically demanded, Stu was more than happy to oblige, but he had one thing in mind, he wanted to make Billy come first. Billy was squirming as Stu slowly took off the red lingerie he was wearing, he then put his head between Billy's thighs, licking all the way up to where Billy wanted him the most.

Billy moaned and squirmed underneath him, trying to get Stu to do something, Stu just nuzzled his nose to his folds then licked up them, collecting all of what was there, Billy was still wet in the end, but it was worth a shot. Stu then proceeded to lick into him.
Billy screamed, screamed his name, screamed profanities, overall just screamed.
Stu then thrust a finger after he was done with his tongue, Billy was panting and moaning with want as Stu kept teasing him, then Stu could feel Billy clench around him, jackpot, he just found the sweet spot for Billy. He kept prodding his fingers there until Billy came with a shout. Stu smiled into Billy's thigh and licked up everything that came out, Billy was still trying to come down from his high, moaning and gripping the sheets, Stu, anything he could to ground him.

Stu stroked himself as Billy writhed underneath him, lining up with Billy as he slowly pushed in, pausing for Billy to adjust to him, then with every beg, every plea, Stu got closer to finishing.
"In me, please Stu, please!" Billy begged.
Stu groaned and finished in him at that.

Billy was left panting, Stu was contemplating on giving him aftercare in that exact moment, wanted to keep holding him close to him, and so he did, he held Billy close as he slipped himself out, they both groaned from oversensitivity. This is how it was supposed to be, just them in this fucked up world.

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