Scream Headcannons

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Billy definitely is a snuggler, but he is always the little spoon, he will NEVER offer being the big spoon unless somebody requests that he is the big spoon.

Stu would do anything for his partner, like... golden retriever energy anything. He is absolutely CRAZY and loves attention, so whatever will get his partner's attention, he will do it for them.

Ethan Landry wears those really fuzzy socks when his feet get cold at night, they probably have christmas designs on them too, one of the group members always will get him those fluffy christmas socks every year too, probably Chad too.

Mindy always does the girls' makeup, she'll ask for what style or look they want and immediately get to work. She also absolutely loves it when people ask for her to do their hair too. I don't know, it's the vibe of her.

Danny Johnson is such a big fan of conventions, he probably goes to a horror convention whenever they pop up in town or near him. He will go to LENGTHS to do anything convention related.

Like the last one, he also probably heavily enjoys halloween horror shows, haunted houses, haunted anything. If it's scary? He's 100% going.

Billy will jump into Stu's arms and then punch him in the arm for letting him get scared at something.

Billy 100% is a scaredy cat, he loves horror movies, anything scary, but he will probably jump and go "YIKES!!" whenever something happens in a movie. Sometimes he does it as a joke, sometimes he's serious, you won't ever know.

Stu will treat you right, he would take you to fancy dinners, anything that you or he enjoys. He will also casually talk about his murders with Billy and make you kill with him at any point in life.

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