Ethan Landry x M!Reader

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Ethan was your boyfriend of five years, you loved him so much, and in fact, you would do anything for him.
That was until you found out he was a serial killer.
To top that, he was killing your friend group slowly.

As average couples, it ended up to be an argument, a fight of sorts. You stormed off into your room, changing your clothes into just your boxers and a loose shirt.
It was his, and it still had him written all over it, but it was reminding you of the sweet boy you had once known.

Now? You were unsure who "Ethan Landry" was.
The argument might have broken the five years you swore up and down were the best years of your life. You sat in your bed for a second and looked at a photo of you and him, it was framed on your nightstand.

You started to tear up, you slowly reached for the frame and grabbed it, bringing it to your lap. You started to sob quietly, not wanting him to hear. He was a sweetheart, but you didn't know if you could trust him anymore.

You hear a knock at the door, one, two, three times.
"Sweetheart, please? Can we talk about this?" he asked, almost sounding like he was pleading.

"We can talk about it if you stop killing people," you retorted, looking back at the picture frame. You heard the door open anyways, hearing his footsteps as you wiped your tears off of your face.

You felt the bed dip beside you, but you didn't bother looking, you were upset at him, angered by the fact that your "sweetheart" Ethan was going around and killing off your friend group. He slowly rubbed your thigh, looking at you sympathetically, but you didn't hold eye contact with him.

"Love, please? Let's just talk about this, I'm sorry," he said, real emotion and sympathy in his voice. For all you knew, it could be an act, something that had malicious intent to it. Maybe he could kill you next? You had no idea how to respond to that.

"You kill our friends, then I find out, right?" you asked.
He nodded.
"And yet, you expect me not to care?" you said, anger underlying in your voice.
He looked down at his hand, slowly pulling it away, then looking back at you.

"I can't stop now, I'm sorry," he said, clearly upset at himself.
You sat in silence, looking at him, tears of anger and sorrow starting to slip down your face.

"Ethan, do you understand that this can ruin you and I? Five years Ethan, five years you want to throw down the drain?" you half-whispered.
He started to cry, shaking his head 'no'. You looked at his hands as they clasped yours.

"Love, what have I told you before? I promised five years ago that I wouldn't ever leave you," he started.
You just looked at him, not a single thing going through your head.
You kissed him.

From what? You had no clue, but you started to kiss him softly while tears fled down your face. You felt him grip your sides as he kissed back, just as cautious, just as soft. You pulled away first and looked at him.

"I want my sweet boy back, Ethan," you whispered to him.
"I know," he replied.
"Give him back to me please, stop killing, please?" you asked, you didn't want this to end, but you didn't want him to kill anymore either.

You sat in silence until he spoke up.
"Okay, I'll...I'll stop," he said. He knew he could get caught easier, but this was you, you were his handsome boy.

You kissed again, the tears being wiped away by his fingers softly as you two pulled away. You pulled him to lay down with you, letting him know to hold you. He did.
You laid there, both content.

Later you would know, he didn't stop the killing, and you found him dead on scene, November 1st, 2023 at around 4:30 in the morning.
He was no longer yours, but you wished he had been.
There goes your sweet boy.

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