🍋stuilly, prom

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A/N!! This is an AU where they basically live in a dorm, but they are seniors. Please take note! Love you guys, please drink water and be safe!

Stu was going to a special event, prom, and Billy personally didn't want to go, but Stu wanted, no, insisted that he should go, so Billy let him. Stu had his vest and suit on, he was ready to go out and party at the prom, one small problem, Billy had other plans for the pair. Stu walked out of the room and Billy was staring at him. Intensely.

Stu was immediately pinned against a wall, Billy practically shoving his tongue into Stu's mouth, slowly grinding against the suited man. Stu was groaning into Billy's mouth and slowly trying to grind back onto Billy. Billy pulled away completely, looking at Stu dead in the eyes.
"You are definitely not going to prom now," Billy whispered.

Stu nodded and began to sloppily make out with Billy again. Billy grabbed the lapels of Stu's suit and led him to the bedroom of their dorm. Billy pushed Stu against the bed and started to try to undress him, once Stu saw his struggle, he immediately went to go help him out. He started to unbutton his vest and pants, his dress shirt becoming next.

Stu helped Billy out of his white shirt and his jeans, they were entangled with each other. Billy was kissing and nipping at Stu's neck, hoping to leave marks so that Tatum chic would know that she might have Stu during the day, but Billy has him any other time. It was a wonder she hasn't caught on with the marks on his neck that "oh so happened" to show up while Billy and Stu were left alone.

Billy was snapped out of his thought once he tasted iron on his tongue, realizing he bit Stu so hard he was bleeding, but Stu seemed to enjoy it, in fact, his grip on the sheets had his knuckles turning white. Billy smirked into Stu's neck, sticking a few fingers into Stu's mouth so he could slick them up. Stu willingly took them into his mouth and sucked, once they were good, Billy slowly entered one finger into Stu.

Stu was moaning, slowly being prodded at, gripping at the sheets, mainly because he knew that Billy wasn't fond of being grabbed by his hair, so he stuck with the sheets. Billy finally, finally, lined up with him and pushed in slowly, just enough to be able to slowly start thrusting. Stu was a mess, hair askew, and finally he came. Billy slowed himself and came inside of Stu, smiling as they both came down from their highs.

"Aftercare?" Billy asked, though he wasn't the kindest during encounters like the previous, he wasn't a monster.
"No, I want you here," Stu said with a slight whine in his voice, Billy just giggled and held Stu as they both fell asleep.

Maybe it was a good idea that Stu didn't go to prom.

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