🪶Sweet , Stuilly Songfic

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"Watching the video that you sent me
The one where you're showering with wet hair dripping
You know that I'm obsessed with your body
But it's the way you smile that does it for me"

Billy got out of the shower, Stu was with him obviously, the pair was inseparable, they were the couple that couldn't leave each other's side. Stu was helping Billy get dressed into his pajamas, they just had a long night of killing and they were ready to get into bed and sleep, maybe watch some horror movies, overall just be in each other's warmth.

"It's so sweet, knowing that you love me
Though we don't need to say it to each other, sweet
Knowing that I love you, and running my fingers through your hair
It's so sweet"

Stu was holding Billy in his bed, as he liked to call it though, their bed, he loved calling it their bed, made him feel happy and bubbly thinking that it was theirs to share. He was carding his fingers through Billy's hair, hearing the hum of contentment from the other, he was happy, or so Stu thinks. He was just going based off of the demeanor of Billy's calm and relaxed state.

"Watching the video where you're lying
In your red lingerie ten times nightly
You know I think your skin's the perfect color
But it's always your eyes that pull me under"

His eyes, he loved Billy's eyes, he loved how Billy's gaze was when Stu was killing, he loved how Billy was in general, loved him so much actually. Little did Stu know, Billy loves Stu as well, loves him more than he loves his own hobby of killing, loves him more than his horror movie favorites. Billy loves the red blood on Stu, love's Stu's baby blue eyes, how freezing they look when Stu looks at Billy.

"It's so sweet, knowing that you love me
Though we don't need to say it to each other, sweet
Knowing that I love you, and running my fingers through your hair
It's so sweet"

"Stu, I love you," Billy murmured, Stu smiled into Billy's neck at the sleepy confession. 'I love you' was not often exchanged between them because they weren't mentally there half the time, and if they were they weren't with each other, so the confession to Stu made him happy, made him all giddy, if he was able to he would be kicking his feet and twirling his hair.

"And I will gladly break it
I will gladly break my heart for you
And I will gladly break it
I will gladly break my heart for you
And I will gladly break it
I will gladly break my heart for you
And I will gladly break it
I will gladly break my heart for you"

Stu knew he would do anything for Billy, whatever he wanted Stu was more than happy to give, he loved Billy, loved him so much. He cherished this guy, held him close to his heart because if he didn't hold Billy, nobody else would. He loved being around Billy in general too, loved his attitude, loved his looks, loved his snarky comments, loved him for him, not just his body, just for him.

"It's so sweet, knowing that you love me
Though we don't need to say it to each other, sweet
Knowing that I love you, and running my fingers through your hair
It's so sweet"

I love you was a lot for Billy to say, but enough for Stu to know that what they had was real, and he was willing to do anything for Billy. He loved Billy.

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