Play Me a Tune (GhostMyers)

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Danny Johnson was on the couch of his apartment, he had a new roommate, Michael Myers himself. He wasn't too fazed by this, it was pretty common for random people such as killers to live with him. It gave him something to bond with them over. Michael was different.

He didn't laugh, speak, nothing, he only let out small grunts depending on the question or situation. Danny didn't know how to take this, how to do anything with his roommate. He was talkative, this guy? He was silent, not much of a word coming out of his mouth.

So, Danny did what any sane person would do, and break out the old keyboard he had laying around. He took the cover off of it, watching small specs of dust fly around him.
Perfect, good, fine.

He pulled out a chair, pulling it up to the keyboard and turning it on. He slowly hit one of the keys, looking around to see if the roommate had come out of his room.
It would be a shock if he did though, he rarely comes out, mostly because he normally wears his mask while out of said room.

He hit the same key, slowly turning it into the "Halloween Main Theme". He was hoping this would lure the other man out of his room. Danny giggled to himself, thinking about how introverted his roommate was compared to him.
He kept playing.

He was lost in the music, so lost that he didn't hear the door open and shut from Michael's room.
Suddenly, the man was behind him. Danny felt the presence of him, so he turned around after he finished one of the parts.

His jaw dropped, realizing that his roommate, Michael Myers, did not have his mask on. He wouldn't mind it as much, but he slightly did, mostly because Michael was attractive, and he had to pause to process it.

A small tap, almost like a feather, and he assumed it was to keep playing, so he did. The only problem was, he needed another hand to play one of the parts.
Michael was there almost immediately, hand on the keyboard, playing the part.

Danny didn't know what shocked him more, the fact that Michael was out with his mask and also next to him, or that he could play piano.
He ultimately decided that it was both that were pretty shocking to him.

He then ended up bumping hands with Michael on accident, he stopped playing to apologize, but instead of letting him finish, Michael shushed him, putting his finger to his own lips. Danny just stopped talking, Michael then proceeded to, and hesitated, to put his hand on Danny's.

Danny didn't know how to react, all he could do was have his mouth agape in shock. Michael, with some hesitation, started to guide Danny to play the keyboard. Danny just kept it going, embarrassed and slightly confused onto the feelings he was having.

Michael looked at him, confused, but kept playing from behind, key after key.
Then the song finished.

Danny looked at Michael, then decided to speak up.
"Thank you, also..." he paused.
Michael tilted his head to show he was confused.
"You're very attractive, that's all," Danny finished, Michael was now the one blushing, his cheeks flushing slightly red. '

Danny got up to leave, but Michael held onto him, making Danny hold eye contact with him.
"Hey..-" Danny tried to start, but Michael interrupted him with a kiss. Danny's eyes were wide, but slowly he leaned into the kiss, letting himself relax and closing his eyes.
Michael pulled away.

"What was that about?" Danny asked.
Michael looked at the ground, then back at Danny, kissing him once more. Danny pressed himself against Michael and sighed into Michael's mouth.
As they pulled away, Danny looked at Michael, admirance in his eyes.
"Hey, Mikey, play me a tune,".

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