Please Dont Go (Ethan Landry x Reader)

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You were ready to leave.
For context, you and Ethan had gotten into an argument over his killings, he wanted to continue, while you wanted him to stop. It was tiring, constant back and forth between you two over this. You were tired, he wasn't.
He wanted to keep you there.

"Please, baby-" he started.

You cut him off, "I'm tired, Ethan, I'm sick and tired of this! You can't tell me anything straight forward, I'm done!"

He looked at his feet, wondering, looking, thinking about how to get you back. He grabbed your wrist, but you tore away from him, turning around sharply. He noticed the tears in your eyes, he wanted you to stay, he knew you wanted to as well.

"Honey, let's talk this out, please?" he asked, puppy dog eyes and all.

You stared at him for a second, then nodded slowly, deciding it was best to just agree.
He grabs your arm and brings you over to the couch that you two first bought together. It was a prize memory, fifth date and you guys were already moved in, so you decided to spice up the furniture.

He pulled you closer, you just went pliant. He looked at you with a frown, it was a fake one, but you knew he was genuinely hurt regardless, fake frown or not.

"I'm listening," you sympathetically say.

In tears, he stammers out, "Please just give me one more chance, we can move out of the state, we can work together, this is us we're talking about honey-".

"No," you firmly say.

He looks at you, you could practically see how his eyes look, they're sad, they're angry, they're hurt.
And that hurt you more than anything.
But the killing, that had to stop.

"Ethan, the only way to win this, is to stop killing," you say, your brows furrowed and your lip quivering.
He just looked at you, nodding slowly.

"Okay...Okay," he says.
Then he thinks about it more.
"I can't stop now," he adds.

You just looked disappointed, you wanted to cry, but he would use it against you. You wouldn't be able to come back from crying even more in front of him.
You wiped away the previous tears you had already cried out.

"Okay, we're done," you say.

You get up from the couch as he follows you around like a lost puppy.
He spills out a variety of 'please don't go' and 'I would be lost without you'.
You didn't care, you just wanted to leave.

So you get all of your things, the previously packed bags, the things you forgot to pack, you grab it all.
When you get to the door, you look at Ethan, and probably for the last time.

"Please don't go," he says.

You kiss him, for the last time.

"Goodbye, Ethan,".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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