Never forgot who you are.

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On a small island in the middle of no ware. Far above the clouds in the mountains were no one suppose to live. The sounds of fighting could be heard as a small voice screams, "Drag-i ro...fis..." 

A small flames seemed to come as she flew down as a man caught it easily. He was smiling and going to grab the small first as a blonde women walked out calling, "Natsu! Nuri! Lunch time!"

The two free and look at each other laugh yelling, "Food!!!"

Both taking off into the small house as the women laughed. In the small house a big white and blue egg rapped in a blanket next to the fire. A small table with three chairs a small bed in the corner and a closed room.

The two matching pink haired pair quickly sat down together. With a laugh the blonde women walked over asking, "You must be hungry."

"Ya! Mama!!" Nuri nodded with a bright smile on her face.

It was a sweet family moment as the small girl tried feeding the older man telling him, "Daddy, tis s fr yo!"

The happy moment ended in a flash as both parents snapped their heads to the door. Sharing a look as the blonde grabbed Nuri just as the door was blown open to reveal a women. She looked at the two laughing statically, "Did you think I wouldn't find u Natsu D. Dragneel?"

"Acnologia, still the Marines dog, I see." Natsu told her with a smirk stepping in front of his family.

Seeming to notice this looking behind him at a little girl struggling in her mother's hold. She was clearly trying attack her. This made Acnologia laugh pointing to the little pinkett asking, "You had a child! That's priceless! If I take her and raise that little hatching to kill others of her kind!"

"Over my dead body! Lucy! Get out of her and call Wendy! Go!" Natsu yelled at his wife who looked at her husband before looking to the women took off grabbing a blue crystal.

Only to stop as their house was surrounded by men in white. An older man with black hair and a scar under his eye told the women, "Salamander Natsu and Celestial Lucy! You pirates and under arrest for your crimes."

The blonde clenched the blue crystal and held her daughter with the other. She screamed clearly still trying to escape from her mom, "Ge ou!!! Lev mommy and daddy alne jeks!!!"

He looked at the little girl and his face soften just slightly. Just for ice magic to come flying at her an dodged it but some got on Nuri. Lucy looked down at the now whimpering little girl. She looked up at the marines yelling, "She's a child! She's done nothing wrong."

"She is a dragon! There not human but a danger to all! It's must not live!" A man stepped out with black hair and a clear black mark over half his body and face.

Seeming to know who it was yelled angrily, "Gray! You monster! I'll kill you before you can touch our daughter!!"

"You've yet to touch me Lucy! That I ice will kill the abnodation and save me the trouble!" He laughed as Nuri changed to a small pink dragon screaming in pain as the ice seemed to grow off her foot.

Lucy looked down in worry and back to the marines. Just for a loud roar to be heard as a giant pink dragon appeared as the house was destroyed the Dragon's hand rapped around the women and baby dragon.

Only to hear laughing as the man spoke, "You just made yourself a bigger target."

He yelled at them, "Shut up! Leave my family alone! We haven't done anything in years!"

"Hahaha! You think that's why were here... Your a monster that stole away the princess. We have come to take her home and for your dead corpse. We need more dragon scales. But now we have two dragon's for the price of one." Gray laughed evil at them just for another roar to be heard. 

A pure white dragon flies catching catching their attention. He yells up at the dragon, "Wendy! Take Lucy and my daughter and get out of here!"

"No! I won't leave you! I'm the reason their here!" Lucy tells he husband shaking her head with tears in her eyes.

Only for a small voice to whimper, "Da... Ma...."

Causing both eyes to look down at the girl and he transformed as they were surrounded in flame. Gray yelled, "Dam! He using fire barrier! Be careful get all gun pounder and cannons away!"

In human form flames appeared on his hand malting the ice on the young dragon. Seeming to recover a little asked, "Daddy....? Mommy?"

"Remember you are Dragneel D. Nuri! You are our daughter and that we will always love you! Live well, little flame." Natsu told the small child causing Lucy to start to cry harder.

She pulled the small dragon in telling her, "No, matter what happens! Follow you heart my love. Never forget who you are."

She kissed the small dragon just as she got out a key yelling, "Come Leo!"

"Mistress Lucy?" A man with orange hair and glasses appeared bowing to her.

Lucy gave her daughter to the man making him look at her and up as the dragon roared above before nodding a jumped up away his key in his hand. Not understanding  desperately trying to get away from him screaming to her parents, "NO! NO! MOMMY! DADDY!"

"Do you really think that I will allow that!" Acnologia yelled going to attack.

Only for the fire to disappear and pink flashed causing sparks to fly as the two dragon clashed. Natsu smiled telling her, "Yes! I think you will! I'm not going to let you touch our daughter again!"

Clearly angry Gray yelling at his mean pointing at Nuri and the white dragon, "Get ready to fire..."

Just for them to fall as some fall as a light blast hit them. Causing him to glare at her that know seemed dressed in a beautiful black dress stood with a glare at the marines. Gray started laughing asking, "Well find your daughter. The world government will never give up on having her."

Without answer attached him as she moved attack with a golden light on her clashed with ice sword. He swiped her way as she easy landed away from her with a clear glare. 

Wendy flies away as the small dragon yells, "Go back aunt Wendy! Mr. Leo! We can't leave them! Please!! Please!"

Her screams where ignored as they took off away from the battle. 


They flew for many days and nights as they arrived on an island. Wendy transformed in a older women with dark blue hair as Leo stands close by as the two starting at the sleeping dragon. He asks, "So? Will she be alright?"

"She is the first half dragon born with the powers of both her father and mother... It's all new territory." Wendy answered rubbing the small dragon head with a smile.

He sighed and answered, "Mistress Lucy ordered me to look after the young miss. But it might be many years before we meet each other again..."

Causing the older women to laugh and answer, "I sadly can't stay with her either... Or they will find her. I can leave her a small gift."

With that she takes the small dragon from Leo and places her down in a cave with a small blue and white egg. Wendy stands up as the man says before disappearing, "Young Miss. Stay safe. I shall serve you when you call upon me."

"Stay safe." Wendy said in a whispers to the sleeping dragon disappearing leaving the two alone.

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