The Promise Kept! Salamander?!

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On a mysterious island in the unknown sea's of the grandline a much older pink haired girl and familiar blue cat arrived on the island on a small boat that was clearly sinking. The pinkett fell to the ground clearly looking ready to throw up on arrival and turning almost lifeless and pale. As for her compaction that calmly walked of the sinking ship. When touching on land turning to the girl the cat asked, "Are you sure this is the island Nuri?"

Making the cat sigh placing, her paws on either side of her hips letting out a sigh asking, "How are you supposed to get anywhere with that motion sickness of yours if you don't take it?"

"'s bla...nd..ND... and....!!" Nuri struggled to speak clearly trying not throw up.

Making the small cat shake her head and responded, "Then it's your own fault really... What kind of sailor or pirate get sea sick anyway?"

Making her look up clearly unhappy with her companions response. She struggled lifting her head opening her mouth to defend herself only to cover her mouth totally failing. Causing the small cat to laugh with a clear smile on her face.


Just down the dock a ship landed with a ram head at the stun of the boat and a straw hat pirate mark on the sail. A boys laugh could be heard as he yelled, "An island! Great!"

"Luffy, remember! We're only hear for supplies. We can't stay long or our log post will rest from 'Little Garden.'" A girl with ginger hair explained only for the straw hat boy to have run off into town from the ship.

She clenched her fist clearly angry seen by the tick mark appearing. only for a blue haired girl to come next to her putting her hand on the girls shoulder. With a smile the told her, "It's really ok, Nami. I know he's probably exited about a new island."

"But we don't have time for it." turned to her with a worried expression but the blue haired girl simply smiled at her.

Finally smiled back as three men approached them all different one was a blonde guy in a black suit with strange heart eyes. Next to his was a man with a long nose that seemed to be hiding behind another guy with green hair and seemed to be charing three swords. With a sigh the green haired guy asked the girls, "Did you see were Luffy went off to?"

"No, the idiot ran off before I could say anything. go look for him will, you." Nami ordered the green haired man who jumped back in shock.

He then looked at the women yelling out asking pointing at her, "Why me! Why aren't you going?"

"I think a certain someone still has a debt to me? If I remember to get some swords." Nami turns to him with a sly smirk making him go pale.

Seeming to be annoyed started walking off mumbling and walking off as Nami waved him off. The blonde man then seemed to spin around her yelling, "So amazing Nami-swan! Vivi-chan!!"

The bluenett laughed at his actions as the guy just said with a sigh, "Sanji is at it again."


Nuri seemed to have recovered as the duo walked around town. She sniffed around before her mouth started to drool calling out, "Kana! Can we go get some meat!"

She turned up to the sky to cat with shining eyes. With a tick mark yelled down to the pink haired girl yelling, "Stop, think with your stomach! You know we came to this island for a reason!"

"Gez! Yes... there's suppose to... a salamander here? But also lots of missing girls..." She responded more asked before trailing off and started sniffing the air.

Her mouth starts to drool once again before Nuri takes off again. With a sigh the blue cat flies off after her before calling out, "We don't have the money to pay for it after our last island!"

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