Part of our...? Luffy!?

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Luffy pulled Nuri arriving to a ship with a sheep figure head. He let go of her arm before seeming to stretcher his arm wrapping around her. Jumped onto the deck of the ship with her laughing and holding onto him. Only once she was standing on it and the boat swayed turned pale saying, "Wait... Luf..."

Luffy started laughing at her reaction not noticing her sudden change. This attracted the attention of others on board causing a long nose man to approach friend asking, "Luffy? Who is?"

"This is our newest member! Nuri!" Luffy tells him with a bright smile.

He looked at the girl clearly about to vomit before looking to his captain tilting his head. Causing his mouth to drop open at his statement looking between the two faster screaming, "HEHE?!?!"

 Only for Zoro's voice to cut in calling to him, "It's true Usopp. Their friends of Luffy's and he wants them on the crew. So they are now part of our crew."

"Zoro!" He yelled quickly turning away from the pair and running over peer down at him before growing confused pointing to Kana next to him. 

" What is that thing?! Is it a cat? Why is it flying?" Usopp asked pointing to Kana next to his friend.

Only for tick marks to appear on her head before moving fast and starts attacking him screams, "You jerk!!! I'm not a that!!! My name is Kana!!! It's rude to point at a lady!"

With quick speeds she started hitting the long nose man's head hard. Clearly in pain started screaming running around to get away, "Ow! Ow! Stop! S..sor...ry!!"

" Com... don't... h...t... im...!" Nuri clearly struggling and grabbed her holding arms again.

Luffy was just laughing at everything seeming to find it funny and said with glee, "I'm so glad to have you, back!" 

Kana desperately tried to go for Usopp causing him scream and run hide behind his captain. Nuri then quickly cover her mouth turning pale as her cheek got big starting to act like she'd puke. Causing her blue face change pale in pure terror screamed, "Let go! The mediacies, Baka! I don't want to be thrown up on! I wouldn't attack him!! Please... Let go!!"

Seeming to not be listen fell down saying breathlessly, "I d....on't...fe...el so wel..l...."

With a sigh and quickly shooting a glare that the long nose guy. Got the poach and pulled out a big needle and jabbed her with it. Causing Usopp to scream and Luffy didn't seem to react. After she was done and started putting it away almost instantons Nuri jumped up jumping up and down being completely fine. She started laughing as her stomach started growing and asked, "So Luffy? We're this amazing food you talked about? I'm staving!"

He quickly rapped his arm around her and smiled telling her, "Well it's made my our amazing chef Sanji! He went into to town to by some more food. While we wait. Let me show you around our ship."

"Hai!" Nuri laughed as Luffy grabbed her again and pulled her with him. 

Leaving Usopp, Zoro and Kana alone. Making the long man call to his captain clearly scared of the glaring cat, "Wait! Luffy!?"

"Just give up long nose. Once he and Nuri are together that's it. Those two are in their own little world. Remember my name is Kana not it.  I was being nice before." The feline told him clearly done and growls at him. 

Making him scream and run to hid behind Zoro that yawned. He snapped at him, "Get off! I'm going to sleep. Your a man aren't you?"

Making him sit down on the mast and was out. Making Usopp scream and runs away to hid and watch the cat shaking in fear. Just for Luffy to take off again past him to show her more of the boat with her smiling at the boy. Kana sighed turning away from him and sits down to watch her with a smile at the two. It was a while as Luffy goes to the front of the boat and grabs Nuri holding her and jumping on the head of the boat. The two sit together and just chat with either. After Luffy had shown her around the small ship.

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