Stood up (Beynika)

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Beyoncé (28)
Onika (23)
Solange (23)

Nobody's POV
Onika's House

"Nicki you need to go out on a date. Get you some pussy." Her best friend, Solange, of three years said. Onika shook her head and laughed. Solange has been trying to set Onika up on a date for some time now but she has kept declining.


"Yes, you do. No man is working so you need to be with a female."

"I'm not into girls Solo."

"Ain't nobody said nothing about no girls. I'm talking about women, girls are too childish. I see the way you be looking at those women when we're at the mall and stuff." Onika has to admit, she does look at females in a way but she wouldn't date one.

"Please, you acting like some women aren't beautiful."

"I know they are beautiful. That's why I'm with one right now." Solange is dating someone named Solana. They have been together for a while and it seems to be working out.

"Yeah, we know you gay." The two of them laughed.

"I'm being for real Onika. I'll set you up on a double date with a female and if you don't her, you don't have to date another female at all. Deal?"


"Deal Onika!" Solange ordered and Onika laughed. She shook her best friend's hand and smiled. I mean, she does get lonely in her house sometimes so dating a female wouldn't hurt.

"I have the right person for this." Solange said and Nicki shook her head. Onika didn't know her type but Solange seemed to know. She knew that her best friend was going to set her up with the best-looking female known to mankind.

A few days later Solange called Nicki and told her the details about her date. She said that they are going to meet up at Crown Shy at around seven. The woman is going to be wearing a black dress and Onika was to wear a blue one.

"When you go there just say that you are waiting for someone. Your date will say the same thing and the waitress will sit you guys at the same table. Can you remember that?"

"Yes, mom." Onika joked and Solange laughed.

"I'm so excited for you Oni."

Nicki smiled, "Me too. I hope everything goes well and if it doesn't—"

"It is going to go well."

The day of Nicki's blind date came rather quickly and she was a bit nervous. She put on a blue dress just like Solange said. Nicki added a few accessories, grabbed her purse to match, and soon left her house. She just hoped that she didn't get stood up.

Nicki's POVCrown Shy

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Nicki's POV
Crown Shy

I arrived at Crown Sky and the scenery is so beautiful. The lights are dimmed a bit but not to the point where it would be dark. The waitress sat me down a few minutes ago and now I'm just waiting for my date. I hope she's beautiful and not some ugly heffa. Soon a woman came walking my way, I thought she was my date but she sat down in the booth next to me. She's beautiful as fuck, but I still have to see what my date looks like.

She has light honey-blonde hair and is wearing a black dress that complements her skin. She looked at me and I turned away. I got caught looking. I heard her laugh and I smiled. I pulled out my phone and texted Solange.

I've been here for almost an hour and my date isn't here.

Solo Starr 💫: That's strange. She's texting me right now saying that she's there. Her hair is dark and she's wearing a black dress. She should be in the same area as you.

Well, she isn't here. I promise you Solange imma beat you up!

Solo Starr 💫: I'm sorry that she stood you up Oni. I didn't mean for that to happen 😞

I sighed and texted her back.

It's okay. I'm going home now.

I placed my phone back in my purse and left the restaurant. I got to the parking lot and someone yelling got my attention.

"Hey!" The person shouted. I turned around and saw the same woman that was seated in the booth next to me.

"I see you got stood up back there."

"Yeah, I did."

"It's okay though 'cause I got stood up too. I was wondering if you would like to go somewhere— it's okay if you don't want to go because I understand that you just got stood up—" She rambled and I laughed, cutting her off.

"No, it's okay. We can go somewhere..."

"Beyoncé and you are?"


"Nice to meet you Onika."

"Nice to meet you too Beyoncé."

4 months later

"Baby!" I shouted running to hug her. Beyoncé laughed and wrapped her arms around me. After that night at the restaurant, we started talking and now we're slowly dating. Today I am going to meet her family and I'm a bit nervous. From what she told me I'm supposed to be scared of her sister, not her parents.

Her sister is very protective of Beyoncé when her sister is younger than her. That's how younger siblings are. Once we got to her parent's house, she opened the door and her parents opened the door. My eyes widened, immediately noticing them.

"Onika these are my parents—"

"Mama Tina and Richard." I said and they hugged me. I'm dating my best friend's sister? We stepped inside the house and I saw Solange.

"Solange." I said and hugged her.

"Hi Onika, you can't be here right now. I'm meeting my sister's girlfriend."

"It's me."


"Yeah, you didn't know?"


"Solange explain right now." Beyoncé ordered and I nodded my head.

"Okay so I planned for you guys to go on a blind date but when Onika said that you weren't there my plan failed. Beyoncé failed to tell me that her dark hair was a wig which is why you didn't notice her. I didn't know you guys were dating because y'all never dropped names, but look now, it all worked out." Solange said smiling. Beyoncé and her look exactly alike, I'm surprised I didn't notice until now.

"Oh, best love story ever. You two oughta stay together forever." Richard said and we laughed. Beyoncé grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.

"That's what we're planning to do..." She said and looked at me. I blushed and then kissed her lips. I guess I didn't get stood up after all.


This one was cute, I love it.

Excuse any errors 🤓

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