What About? (Joni)

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Toni (24)
Janet (22)

Toni's POV
November 1997

I pulled up at Janet's house and parked my car in her driveway. I haven't spoken to her since before she released her newest album. When I heard a few songs I was in shock, especially with What About. I didn't know all of those things happened to her but then again, she's a very secretive person. We haven't known each other for that long, we just met this year. But after hearing that song, I'm very concerned about her. Janet hasn't been answering my calls or text messages lately, I can't help but to worried.

I pulled my phone out to call her again but she didn't answer. I texted her and of course she didn't respond.

Dunk 🍑- Are you okay dunk?? I'm worried abt you and you haven't been answering me... I'm at your house.

I got out of my car and locked it. I then walked to her door and knocked on it. "Janet! Open the door it's me, Toni! I'm just worried about you well we all are. Whitney, Mariah, Brat, your siblings and Mama K... you're ignoring them." I sighed and pressed my head against the door. Janet is making this so hard for no reason.

"If you don't want me here just say something and I'll leave..." I waited to hear a response but I didn't hear anything. "Just let me know if you're okay." I still didn't hear her say anything. I sighed in defeat as I walked to my car. I looked back and up at her window. I saw that it was dark and I grew concerned. If anybody knows Janet, she'll always have a light on. Even if it's daylight, a light has to be on in her house.

"Nuh-uh, I'm going inside." I spoke to myself. I don't have a key but I know she keeps a spare outside. I checked underneath her mat and didn't find one. I then looked at her plants and noticed a fake one. I picked it up and saw a spare key under it. I quickly picked up the key and used it to open her door.

When I got inside I turned on the lights and saw alcohol and beer bottles all over her floor. There was blunts all over the place, not even on no damn ash tray. Since when does she smoke? And I know Brat gave it to her. That's the only person that Janet would get it from.

"What is going on?" I asked myself as I walked to her room. To my surprise her door was open. I saw her laying in the bed, on her stomach, with more bottles around her. "Where did she get all of that from?" I walked into her room and attempted to shake her awake.

"Janet... Janet! Oh my god, is she?" My eyes widened as I checked her pulse. She had a faint one but it was still there. She's passed out drunk, that's better than being dead though. I dragged her to her bathroom and leaned her against the wall. She's not even heavy, at all. I opened the glass door and turned on the water. I dragged her body in there and put Janet underneath the water. My clothes began to get wet but I didn't care, I need to wake her up. I slapped her face a few times and she woke up gasping for air.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I yelled at her. I did. I don't care though. She could've died.

"Would you please shut up? I have a massive headache." I rolled my eyes.

"You could've died Janet."

"That was the plan." I was taken back by her response. I didn't know she was suicidal.

"Janet you don't have to do that... I'm here for you, we all are and we love you. We're gonna get you the help you need."

"I don't need any help." I turned the water off with a sigh. "I'm fine."

"No you're not fine." She got up leaving the bathroom and so did I.

"Yes I am, I'm not dead. You can leave." Janet said with an attitude and I scoffed. She took off her wet clothes and put on new ones. She looked at me and saw that I wasn't leaving. I heard her sigh as she grabbed an extra set of clothes for me. I softly smiled as I put them on. For the time being I cleaned up her house while she rested. That took about two hours and by the time I was done, my stomach began to growl. I walked back upstairs to her room and saw Janet underneath the covers. She wasn't sleeping, she was just... thinking I guess.

"Are you hungry?"


"Well I am, would you like for me to cook for you so you can have something to eat later?" I asked as I sat at the edge of her bed.


I sighed, "Janet stopped being difficult. When was the last time you ate." She shrugged.

"What's today?"


"Then maybe Sunday."

"Sunday?! Janet it's almost been a week. Have you been drinking water at least?"

"Nope, just the liquor."

"I'm going to cook something for you, you need to eat."

"No I don't. Come." I rose my brow and looked at her.


"In the bed with me... lay with me." I slowly nodded and laid in the bed with her. Janet laid her head on my chest and I played in her hair. That's something that I do to her all the time. She has a love hate relationship with it. "Thank you for saving me and I'm sorry that I was being mean to you earlier. I'm just... Renè hurt me so bad and that was the only way I knew how to cope."

"It's okay Janet, it's gonna be alright. I'm here and I'm gonna help you get better." Janet picked her head up and slightly kissed my face, then my lips. Her hands gently grabbed my face as we kissed. We simultaneously moaned into the kiss and I felt Janet's hand rub me through my pants. Her grip tightened and my mouth dropped. She then slipped her tongue into my mouth and I sucked on it. We sloppily kissed while rubbing on each other.

No, she's not in her right mind. I abruptly pulled away and shook my head. We both were out of breath and she looked at me confused.

"Do you need me right now, or do you just want someone?" I asked and she stayed silent. I slowly nodded my head and got up from her bed. Janet just looked at me and watched as I left her room. I quickly left her house and headed into my car. I turned my car on and left her driveway.

"What the fuck man?!" I exclaimed as I drove. I so badly wanted to fuck her though but she didn't answer me... I have boundaries and rules but I'm about to break them for Janet. I quickly did a u-turn and drove back in the direction of her house. I parked in her driveway and got out of her car. I knocked on her door because I didn't have the key and I locked it before leaving. Janet opened it and I grabbed her shirt, pulling her into a kiss. She moaned and I closed the door with my foot before picking her up.


I think I want this to be a book but it's going to be for a while because I think I want to publish the book for the second chapter of this book... so yeah. That will be nice to give yall...

Excuse any errors 🤓

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