New friends

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Third POV

Following Izuku's discharge from the hospital, neither neko would leave the other alone. They were practically inseparable and while this had happened during past incidents at the hospital, Aizawa and Yamada were more worried about the stress it was putting on the nekos this time around. Especially as Shoto freaked out for a moment when Katsuki and Hitoshi had rushed in the day after Izuku woke up. Shoto may not be as physically injured as Izuku, but his attachment issues and anxiety were extremely affected and were putting him on edge.

Izuku was a whole separate set of worries as the neko had practically gone mute after the initial waking in the hospital. He hadn't said anything to Katsuki or Hitoshi when they came in worried for the two nekos and he certainly hadn't spoken to either Aizawa or Yamada about what had happened at the USJ. It was concerning how the neko seemed to shut off for a moment, seemingly lost in thought, whenever the incident was mentioned.

When the family got home, they decided to focus on themselves and not leave the house for a couple of days. The nekos had taken to sleeping with Aizawa and Yamada due to the influx of nightmares for both nekos. During the day, they all lounged on the couch, cooking when they got hungry, but other than that, not moving from their spots on the couch. While it helped with the last of the healing that both Izuku and Aizawa needed, it was also a chance for them all to take a break from the stress that had been piling up.

When Nezu called Aizawa and Yamada to let them know that the school would be starting classes up again the following day, the hybrid reassured both heroes that if either neko didn't feel up to coming back so soon, they could take all the time they needed to finish their recovery. However, when the two adults went to inform the nekos they were surprised by the response they got. Shoto was reading a book, curled up next to Izuku who was being cat-piled by Aoki and Snow.

The two looked up at the heroes while they explained. They did look hesitant while they thought about it, which was understandable. Shoto looked at Izuku curiously while the other shifted to sit up, careful to not jostle his still casted arm. Izuku still hadn't spoken so all three males, who were watching the boy, were surprised when he opened his mouth to respond, "I-I want to go back." Aizawa and Shoto were still looking at the neko in shock that he spoke but Yamada gave him a worried look, "Are you sure kitten? You arm is still healing and there is no issue with staying home for another couple of days."

Izuku just shook his resolutely, "I want to go back to normal." Now both Aizawa and Yamada were looking at their neko in deep concern and worry, while Shoto gave him a tight and comforting hug. Aizawa just solemnly nodded with a small smile, "If you really think your up for going back we wont stop you. However, I have two conditions. One, neither of you are going to be participating in Heroics until I deem you physically and mentally fit. Second, I need you both to understand that there is nothing wrong with being scared and unfit. It's okay not to be okay."

Both nekos looked at Aizawa with tears in their eyes but nodded their heads. Aizawa sighed, stretching his sore muscles, "Alright, if you both are aware of those conditions, I suppose it's alright for you both to join class tomorrow. Are you wanting to go as well Moon?" Shoto nodded his head, "I want to go if Sun wants too." Aizawa was going to comment that the younger didn't have to sacrifice his own mental health to keep the other comfortable and happy but decided he ultimately wouldn't get anywhere trying to convince the protective neko.

So the following day found a full car of the family of four driving to UA, ready for the day ahead of them. Thankfully it was an easygoing day, with no large events or activities planned. A simple school day. Yamada walked with Aizawa to Chiyo's office to get the last of his bandages taken off before class. The two adults told the nekos to get to class and that they would see them later when class started. When Izuku and Shoto walked into the classroom, there was about half the class already inside.

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