Chapter 8

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♡George pov♡

Several men I've never seen before ran down the stairs. They cut the ties holding me and dragged me through a backdoor. They held my arms and led me into a forest.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE!?" I heard Clay scream.

I turned around, but a gun was pointed in my face.

"If you yell I'll blow your fucking brains out." The man said.

My eyes watered and I nodded. We walked through the woods for 30 minutes until we got to some sort of shack. They opened the door and threw me to the ground. 2 of the men stayed while the rest left. The 2 men had guns and knives. To say I was terrified was an understatement.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Shut the fuck up." One man demanded.

I didn't know this man. I recognized the other as the one who made me give him head all the time.

"I just want-"

He fired a shot into the ceiling. I cried put and curled up in the corner. I was being yelled at, but it was muffled. My ears were ringing and I knew I was crying. The man punched me hard. The 2 men took turns hitting and kicking me. They soon tired themselves out and stopped. I was bleeding a lot and in so much pain. I pushed myself into the corner and pulled my legs up to my chest.

"Did you hear that?" The shorter asked.

"What?" The taller responded.

"The noise outside." The shorter responded.

The taller sighed heavily.

"Were in the middle of the woods. It's probably an animal." He said.

Someone shot through the window. The glass shattered and the taller man dropped to the floor. Blood spilled out of the back of his head. I just stared in horror. The shorter ducked down and held his gun close.

"I'LL KILL HIM." The shorter screamed.

I was shaking horribly. The shorter grabbed my wrist and I swung hard at his face. He stumbled backwards and dropped his gun. It went off as it hit the ground and nearly missed my head. I picked it up and saw it had one bullet left. I pointed it at the short man's head.

"Come on man. Give the gun back. I'm sorry." He said raising his hands by his head.

"Your not sorry." I muttered.

"I am." He replied.

"No you aren't." I stated putting my finger on the trigger.

"I regret making you do that shit. Please I'm sorry." He pleaded with me.

He slowly began to walk towards me.

"Stay back. I'll kill you." I warned.

He continued to come closer.

"No you won't." He argued.

I was shaking so much and tears were running down my face. I couldn't do it. I knew I couldn't. He grabbed the head of the gun and took it from me. He backed up a bit. Another shot was fired through the other window. The glass shattered and I cried out. The shorter man hadn't been hit.


This man intimidated me. He had made me do disgusting things to him that I wouldn't repeat to anyone. I pushed myself even further into the corner. I was panicking horribly. I could tell the man was on edge from his body language. He was looking around frantically and keeping his gun raised. The door to the shack flew open and Clay stood there. Clay's hands were raised and he had no weapon. I pulled my legs to my chest and curled in on myself.

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