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I had no idea what I was meant to do with my life, if you could even call it that. To most, I was a freak of nature. Those who knew about me anyway. If I could have clicked my fingers to make it all go away, I would have. But, I don’t think it worked that way.

I was the given the power of the moon. I was given it to protect the earth from “The Dark Ones”. They were only a legend, but a powerful and great one. Hidden in the shadows, lost and tortured souls rejected from the underworld, lurking on earth. How they were rejected, I will never know. But trust me, it’s not every child’s good night story.

So, I guess I could say I was like a Guardian for Earth. But the thing is, I had no idea that I was this Guardian. As far as I knew, I was a normal teenaged girl, with a normal life, with a normal crush on a guy that would never like her back. I was a girl into rock music, with individuality. I loved my style. My best friend was like me too, and a geek I might add. 

Seem normal enough? Yeah, I thought it was too. Until, that night when I saw my crush on the roof. 

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