CHAPTER THREE: Why the hell are you on the roof?

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I arrived at Robin's house. Well, house was more of an understatement. More like a large house. No, not even a large house....a mansion more like. It was dark, and mysterious. It seemed to be about three stories high. I walked up to the front door. I was nervous, and the main thing that told me I was nervous was the fact that I had my hands in my pockets. Or the fact that my confident-badass self had been thrown out the window at home before I got in the car. I knocked on the door. It opened. A tallish man in a black suit stood before me. He wasn't that tall, only about a few inches taller than me, but in saying that, I was a tall girl. He was skinny. He held a white tea towel over one arm, and in the other he held a shiny silver platter without a single scratch. "I assume you are Miss Torros, Master Greyson is in his room. Would you like me to go get him or take you there?" The man asked. 

"Any would be fine sir." I replied. He smiled. 

"Come in. I shall escort you to his room. Oh, and please, call me Alfred." he smiled brighter as he made way for me to walk through the door into the entrance hall. Alfred led me up the stairs. "It's so nice to see that Master Greyson has friends. And he never has had a girl over. You must be pretty special if he invited you over." There was a sense of humor in his tone. It made me blush slightly. Was I really that special to him? I couldn't have been, I'd only known him for a day or so. And I remember distinctly, he told me "I am waiting for somebody to give me that feeling. Then, I will bring her home". Surely that couldn't be me, could it?

We reached what appeared to be Robins door. His door was black, with a gold knob. I liked it. Alfred knocked and I heard foot steps from behind the door, and then the ratteling of the door knob started. The door opened and there he was, Robin slash Dick Greyson, the most attractive guy in school. He looked oh so beautiful in his doorway. He was in Morone skinny jeans and a blue dress shirt. His black hair spiked up in a sexy sort of style. He had gotten changed since he left school obviously, but my god he was drool worthy. "Master Greyson, Miss Torros is here to see you. Please remember to treat her well as a gentleman like yourself would," Alfred announced as he turned around a winked at me. I think he wanted Robin and I together as much I as I wanted us to be together. Wait, what? 

"I sure will Alfred. Would you like to come in, Miss Torros?" Robin asked, a smirk on his face.

"Why of course, Master Greyson." I giggled with delite as I took his hand and he led me into his room. His room was gorgeous. About ten times bigger than my room. He had books galore, and the latest in gaming technology, a four-post bed was on the wall to the left, in the middle there were two chairs with a table with assorted drinks. "I hope you like Brie and stuff, Alfred thought it would be nice. Take a seat, Miss Torros." Robin lead me to a comfortable couch arm chair, that faced a tv. Off to the side of the two arm chairs, there was another two seater couch with gold cushions that looked absolutely devine. Robin took a seat in the other arm chair. "So, Miss Torros, Tell me more about yourself." 

"Well, you know about my parents. I don't really like anything most girls like, I like the Xbox One. It's so much better than the PS4. PS4 is for graphics, not online gaming." I explained taking a sip of my coke. I looked to Robin. He had the brightest smile across off his face. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing. You're just like nobody I've ever met before. You're fun, and not like the other girls. I like you." Robin said. There was a moment of silence. I was so flattered. Was he serious? Robin? Liking me? The most popular guy in school? No way. Get out of here. "So what kind of movies do you like? I like scary movies, so that is really all I've got." 

"No, I love scary movies." I smiled. Robin moved to the two seater couch, gesturing for me to come sit next to him. 

"What? Are you also opposite to those other girls that like to cuddle in scary movies?" I immediately got up and sat next to him. I loved cuddling in scary movies. The Conjuring started playing. I sat back, eyes focused on the screen. Robin moved closer, putting his arm around me. He pulled me closer and I felt myself turn bright red. This. Was. Happening. 

The movie progressed, getting scarier and scarier. I kept moving closer to Robin until I was clinging onto him for his protection. He stroked my hair as we watched giving me reassurance he was still there. I'd never been this attatched to somebody, or this scared in a scary movie before. 

The movie ended, and minutes after I was still clinging to Robin. "Luce, it's over now. It's okay." He called me Luce, nobody had called me that since my father died. I looked up into his eyes. It was a perfect moment. "Luce?" He said once more.

"Yes, Robin?" I replied. It felt like this wasn't real.

"I've got that feeling." 

My heart skipped a beat. He had that feeling. He liked me. I smiled. I was sure I looked like an idiot. Robin cupped my cheek with his warm hand, I blushed even more. I had butterflies. I needed to calm down. I was Lucy Torros. Not Lucy Love-Sick. Robin moved his face in closer until we were inches apart. We were going in for a kiss. Holy crap, I thought, he is going to kiss me. We kept getting closer and closer with each breath. Then, his phone rang. "I'm so sorry, I have to take this." Robin picked up his phone off the table and answered it.

"Hello?" he said. I felt kind of embarrassed. I had almost kissed Robin. He had almost kissed me, and a phone call ruined it all. Damn it. "Sure, I'll be right there." He got up. "Luce, I'll be right back. Help yourself to some snacks, I won't be long I just have to help Uncle Bruce with something." He excited quickly. I had some more Brie and started to watch another movie, just waiting for him to come back.

An hour had passed, and Robin had still not come back. I didn't want to snoop around, but I couldn't help think there was something wrong.  I heard loud voices and then some crashes up on the roof. I thought that maybe it was just some wind blowing things but it wasn't, it wasn't a windy day. 

I ran outside, and looked to the roof. There I saw three men. I saw one a black suit, with a cape, the other in a red, yellow and green suit, and the last man had green hair and a purple suit on. He had a white face. He looked like a clown. "Give it up Joker, there is no point. She doesn't know she has powers nor will she ever. Leave her alone!" The man in the yellow, red and green shouted. I just heard a laugh. The voice was familiar, it sounded like Robin. The man who appeared to be the Joker just put his hands up and looked over to my way. "It seems like she has come to me, young Robin." The man who appeared to be some 'Robin' character turned to me. Then it occured to me. That WAS Robin. 

"Luce?" He asked. Then I knew it was him.

"Robin?" I shouted back. 


"What the hell are you on the roof?".

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