CHAPTER NINE: Dinner? How about no? Yeah, no.

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"You're awfully quiet tonight Lucy. What is wrong munchkin?" My mother asked. 

Munkin? Are you kidding me? Are you actually kidding right now? I just found out everything you've been hiding for the past few years and you're calling me Munchkin? I will f*cking gut you!

"I'm just not hungry." So, AKA, fine. 

"No defying the wonderful god we have? No demanding a change of school? No more wishing I'd die?"

"I don't want to talk Mum." 


"Just leave me alone." I could feel power going through my finger tips. This wasn't good.

"Lucy, if this is about your father I-"

"Yes Mum! It's about my father. It's your fault he is dead - your fault!" I screamed at the top my lungs and ran into my bedroom. I could hear my mother's call behind me. I was not dealing with this.

I was resiting the urge to text Robin to come and pick me up. I wanted to seem strong, but it was so hard to hold it back. At last, I texted him.

Come get me ASAP. Can't deal with the Witch Mother. And SEND.

How was I going to deal with all of this?

I did the typical teen-sneaking-out-shimmying-down-the-drainpipe thing just because I didn't want to face my mother again. I couldn't believe it, or her.

Robin pulled up in his car abruptly, like he was waiting for me to text him; like he knew what was happening inside my hell I called home. The air outside was crisp, and I could feel it slowly freezing my nose off.

I strolled over to the car. I opened the door and sat in the comfortable passenger seat. I hadn't even been in the car for five seconds before Robin spoke with caution in his voice. "Hold on tight. Somebody is following us." 

"Following us? What do you mean there is somebody following us?"

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