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I just stood there unsure of what to do. All I could do was question it. Like why the hell there was 3 dudes in spandex suits on the roof, and why the hell one of them was my almost kiss before. Why?

"Wait, so you mean she doesn't know?" The Joker laughed. "My goodness. What will happen when she turns of age? On the full moon? She will be scared as a rabbit being chased." His gaze turned to me. I was just confused as fuck. Was he talking to me? Or was there some other girl around here? 

"No, she doesn't. And she wasn't meant to know. We hoped if we could get her far enough away, the turning wouldn't happen." The older man in black said. His voice was deep. 

"Oh, but Batman...." the Joker trailed off. "Batman, Batman, Batman. How will you keep them apart? True love is a hard thing to break. It appears that young Robin and the girl have already fallen in love." I blushed. How did he know? 

"How do you know we are in love Mr I-must-be-a-drag-queen-because-I-wear-more-makeup-than-a-hooker?" I shouted. All three heads to turned to me. There was a silence. I just poked my tongue out at the Joker. All he did was laugh. Within a split second, he'd done some magic trick to teleport himself from the roof, to right in front of me. 

"You think you can outsmart me, girl? Or should I say, Luce?" The bright red smudged paint on his lips formed an evil smile. Then, I couldn't breathe. I held my neck, only to feel his hands around it. He was choking me. I could feel the world around me growing dim. I was going to die. 

"Lucy!" I heard Robin call out. But that was all I could hear, was him, shouting my name.  

I struggled. All the Joker did was laugh. I really was going to die. His head turned to Robin and Batman. "She will know eventually. It is all in the prophersy. She and the young boy will fall in love. The feeing will expose her true nature, and from there," He trailed off laughing. "It's either a path of destruction or a happily ever after for the world." Robin and Batman jumped off the roof, but they stopped. The Joker, with his free hand held out a card. I couldn't see what it was, but Robin's eyes widened in horror. "Come any closer, and I slit her throat with the card." 

"Leave her alone, please." Batman pleaded. 

"Why would I do that? I might as well just take her. She would be an excellent asset to my team." His gaze turned towards me again. I had to think of a way to get out of this mess. I felt a sudden pull of magic fill my heart. I felt powerful. I was worried though, was I doing this? "Lucy dear, you want to know how I got these scars?" The smirk on the Jokers face grew into a smile. I let out my last words before the unpredicatble happened. "You haven't got time to tell me." 

His grasp was gone and I thought I would be grasping for air, but I wasn't. I felt fine. I saw the Joker on the ground a few metres away from me unconsious. What did I just do? 

Robin was over to me in an instant. "Luce, are you okay?" He asked. I could see through his face mask into his green eyes. They were filled with sorrow and regret. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. But, now you have to fill me in on everything. Who are you? Why are you in spandex? Who is that guy in the black? Why is that phycopath out to get me? And most importantly, how the f*ck did I manage to knock him out without actually hitting him?" I had so many questions. 

Batman took a step towards me. "You Lucy, are a very powerful being. A girl sent down from the guardians of planets. You are the guardian of earth. There are more powerful forces here on earth, and it is your job to protect Earth." Well, that filled in a bit.

"But why was that creep after me?" I gestured to the idiot on the ground. 

"He wants you for his own good. Yes, you are meant to protect the earth. But there is one thing. If something goes wrong, it could be the end of the world." Robin spoke. My head was spinning; I felt faint. "She's going to faint. I'll take her back to the house and ring her mother." 

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Batman replied. I could feel myself slipping away. 

"No. But I'll just explain that we are working on a project. I'm charming, I'm sure she will understand." Robin carried me back to his room. He lay me on the bed. I was in that world between consiousness and sleeping, I couldn't react, but I could hear everything Robin was saying; I could feel everything he was doing. 

"Luce," He started. "I am so sorry I brought you here. This is my fault. But I'm glad in a sense too. I feel drawn to you, because of the prophersy. These feelings will only get stronger. If tonight hadn't happened, you may have had to face it on your own. But I'm always going to be here to protect you whilst you are learning. Always." He held my hand. I wanted to smile, but I was frozen in that world. "I know you can hear everything I'm saying. You've just blacked out because it's the first time you've used your powers. There will be somebody to teach you, we just have to find them first. Get some rest. Now to go call your mother." He kissed me on the forehead and let go of my hand. I heard the door shut, and that is when I drifted off to dream land. 

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