CHAPTER SEVEN: I kicked a dudes butt.

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Bruce Wayne was on the ground after I, Lucy Torros - kicked his Batmanning butt. Every time that he came back for more, I just plonked him flat on his arse like the time before. The thing was; I'd never beat anybody up before.

Especially a dude. 

Guess now I can cross that one off my bucket list. 

"I was meant to be training you whilst Robin assisted, but it appears you have all the training you need. Where did you learn to fight like that?" Bruce asked, trying to peel himself off the floor. I thought for a little while. 

"I don't know. It just kind of comes naturally, I guess." That was the truth. I was scared with my life about learning and probably getting my butt kicked, but hey; in the end I kicked a dudes butt. So...that makes my life pretty much.

"It is probably in your blood. The prophersy will soon be forfilled. It's getting closer to the time, so your powers will be stronger. Now, you must learn your powers and test them against me." I let out a laugh as he finally got up.

"Haven't you gotten your butt kicked enough today, Master Wayne?" I asked with an everlasting smirk on my face. He let out a chuckle. "Maybe I'll leave that one for Robin then. You have a sense of humor, just like your father." 

"You knew my father?" I asked, shock my only tone present in my voice.

"Of course I knew him. We were best friends way back. I'm surprised you don't remember me." I had no reply. "Actually, it's very surprising you don't remember me. I'm your God Father."

"My God Father?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was around just as much as your Dad was. When he died, I stopped coming around. Your mother didn't like the idea of the prophersy - that's why she never told you. It's why she still hasn't told you. I would think anyway."

It dawned on me. 

"Wait, so my mother knew about all this? She knew the real cause of my father's death?" I asked. Bruce nodded. "She hid it from me. That's why I didn't know my 'true fate' or 'destiny'." 

Bruce walked over to where I stood. "You're mother claims to be religious right?"

"Yes, so much she asks me to hold hands to praise the 'lord' for coffee."

"Thinking back to the last time I spoke to your mother, she said there had to be some mistake in the prophersy. She doesn't like the idea of you being a guardian against the earths 'Dark Ones'. She believes it to either be too dangerous or untrue. She has the God to protect her apparently."

"What do you mean?" I ask. I am confused. Like, to the max. What does me being some freak-a-zoid have to do with my mother being some religious b*tch?

"She hates the use of Black Magic, which is exactly what the Dark Ones use.  But, the Dark Ones and Black Magic is the only thing strong enough to do something like this." He explained. 

"I'm still not following." I stated. Bruce let out a big sigh as if he were to say 'Luce, you are the biggest idiot I have ever known'.

"Luce, you have a mind block put there by the Dark Ones." Bruce finally said. A mind block? What the f*ck for? Why? Why do I need one of these things? I was gonna find it out sooner or later anyway.

"Why?" I ask. Still curious to see WHY I had some stupid mind block thing on. It was probably causing me to lose parts of my memory. 


Oh my god.

I found out the reason why I was failing maths. 

It's cause I had a mind block thing. I was standing there imagining - what would I tell my teacher!


Miss: Lucy, You're failing math. Why?

Me: I have a mind block put on my brain because my Dad died protecting me from my fairy destiny. 

Miss: ...

Yeah, I was a hot mess. 

"It is because she is one of the Dark Ones Luce." I turned around to see Robin at the entrance. 

"I'm sorry, what?" 

"She is a Dark One. She put the block on your mind. You are meant to destroy her." Robin walked towards me. 

Well, f*ck.

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