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I tried to come to terms with the new information I had just been told. My mother was a Dark One? 

"How could she possibly be a Dark One Robin? She is all Ban Satan and all hail the almighty God! I think you might have the wrong person." I said. Robins shoulders rised as he sighed deeply.

"Luce, we didn't want to believe it either and we know for a fact you don't believe it; but it's true. She didn't want you to know your destiny. You are going to be the most powerful being on Earth." He explained. He walked forward and took my hands. "Your mother is the most powerful of all Dark Ones. Her whole belief of God is a cover up to avoid suspecion if you ever did infact find out about the prophersy." 

"But if she is the most powerful Dark One, why did Dad marry her? Did he know?" I had so many questions. 

"She married him and gave birth to you in hopes that she would create a deadly weapon; providing you chose the right path." Bruce cut in, I turned to face him. 

"What do you mean, right path?" I asked. What the hell were they talking about. 

"Right path; working with us. The Joker that you saw earlier is a secret spy from the Dark Ones. They want him to capture you so they can brainwash you to do evil." He explain. Oh, that makes sense now. 

"Dad was a Guardian, right?" I asked. "So, I'd either become the most powerful Guardian, or a weapon of mass destruction?" Robin and Bruce both nodded. 

"Well, that clears everything up." I let go of Robins hands. I needed to go speak to my mother. I was going to make her life a living hell. Her Satanic species cost me my father. I f*cking missed my father. She was going to pay.

"Where are you going Lucy?" Bruce asked. I turned towards the door. 

"I am going to go speak to my mother." 

"Lucy, you can't! It's dangerous!" Bruce called after me. 

"Why can't I?" I asked confused.

"The prophersy hasn't been furfilled yet. You haven't gotten your full powers. If she finds out you know, she will kill you. I only just found you, and I am not going to let you get taken away from me." Robin explained. 

"So I just have to pretend like nothing is wrong?" I asked. They both nodded. 

"We promise to teach you about your powers as soon as we can. You can't use them yet though. The time is near, but it isn't right yet. Soon Lucy. But for now, you have to promise us you won't blow the cover." Bruce said. 

I nodded. "Okay, I promise." I looked at my phone to check the time. "I should get home anyway. The Holy Satan spawn might just get a little angry and start breathing godly fire at me." 

"I'll take you home. It's too dangerous for you to go by yourself, especially with the Joker on the loose from last nights fight." Robin explained taking my hand in his own. I nodded. 

"Catch you later Batman!" I waved as Robin and I walked hand in hand out the door.

"Goodbye Lucy. We'll start training next week." Bruce called out and waved as we left.

Robins car was a little swift. It was black. I liked his style.

"Do you like my car?" He asked putting on his seatbelt.

"It's adorable. I half expected to go in the Batmobile though." I winked at him and he laughed.

"Only on missions Luce."

The drive home felt like forever. We spoke about important things like the new Mortal Kombat game - Mortal Kombat X that was coming out very soon. I think it only felt like forever because I was dreading going home. Robin could tell something was up. 

"Hey Luce, it's going to be okay." He grabbed my hand as he turned the corner to get into my street.

"I hope so." He pulled up out the front of my house. Robin went to take his seatbelt off and I stopped him. "Don't come in."

"Why not? Should I meet your mother?" He asked, his voice full of hurt. 

"Do you really think it is a good idea?" I asked with that Are-We-Really-Gonna-Have-This-Conversation-tone. He shook his head. "I'll see you at school. I promise." I kissed him solftly on the cheek. 

"Okay. I'll miss you." I let out a small blush.

"Don't miss me too much. You've only known me for twenty-four hours." I winked. He rolled his eyes. "I'll miss you too bird boy." He cocked his eyebrow.

"Bird boy?" He asked. "Where did Bird Boy come from?" 

"Your nick name being Robin and Robin being the name of a bird. So, hense the name Bird Boy!" I clapped my hands at my smartness. I was so smart. 

"Fair enough. See you later." I hoped out of the car and shut the door. I waved as Robin drove off. I was nervous about being back home. What if that Drag Queen Joker had already told my Mum that I had seen them on the roof and knew about the prophersy?

I walked towards the door. I went to turn the knob, but stopped myself. I just stood at the door and sighed. 

It was all a lie.

She was a lie. She was one great, big and f*cking huge lie. Everything she ever told me was a lie. Dads death was a lie all because of her demonised race. I hated her for it. Even though I knew all of this, I still didn't know much. Nothing at all really.

I didn't know anything anymore.

I may not have known anything, but I did know one thing.

As soon as I got my powers under control and read, my bitchful mother and all the other dark ones were going down. 

And that is a promise Daddy.

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