CHAPTER TWO: Dick Greyson

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CHAPTER TWO: Dick Greyson

I had been at this school two weeks, and there was still no Dick Greyson. I had to wonder about him, even though I hadn't even met him. Was he okay? It sounded weird, but I felt like a had a deep connection with him, even though I had no idea who he really was. I just had a gut feeling like he was going to mean something to me later on in life. How can you feel that about somebody you don't even know? 

All this seemed like to me was a little high school crush that wouldn't mean anything in two weeks time. I walked into my class room. I was the only one there. I sat down in my seat and looked out the window on my left side. All I could see where people. I heard footsteps in the room. I turned around. I couldn't breathe. 

There standing before me was Dick Greyson, obviously. His hair was black and his eyes were a strong shot of green. He smiled as I looked at him. He was wearing a blue dress shirt with back pants. 

Now Lucy, this doesn't mean anything. It is just a crush. I kept trying to tell myself that. But the more I said it, the more I just kept thinking that it wasn't. He walked towards me and held out his hand.

"Hi, I don't think we have met before. I am Dick Greyson. You are?" He asked shaking my hand.

"Uh...Lucy. Lucy Torros." I replied. My voice was all shaky. 

Okay Lucy, hold up. This the first time you have ever met this guy and you are already acting head over heels for him. Seriously, stop. 

But there was a feeling inside of me that I couldn't let go of. I felt like I had known him before, in another life or something. It was that gut feeling I had, like he and I knew each other, and we were close.

"I have heard you are the new kid," Dick stated. "Welcome to the school of catholic lunatics. You don't believe in that kind of shi*t do you?" 

"No, I am Atheist. My mother is Catholic. Come to think of it, my whole family is. I chose my own path." I replied. He laughed.

"Nice. Enjoying it here so far? You know, besides them shoving the whole Jesus thing down your throat." I nodded. 

"Yeah. It seems nice enough." Dick gave me a small smile. 

"Oh an another thing? Please don't call me Dick. I hate it. Call me Robin."  He smiled.

"Uh, okay? Robin?" I smiled, unsure of what I was saying. Robin smiled.

"There we go. So, tell me about your parents." 

"Well, my father died last year. Ever since then, my mother has been all into this god stuff. This is the third time I have moved school in the past semester, all because of strange moon sequences. She thinks it has something to do with some Satan dude. Load of bullsh*t if you asked me." Other students started to enter the room. Mostly girls, all seeming to be part of that crowd. I made eye contact with the girls. Each one of them stared with jealousy and anger. Their blue eyes were stone cold. They all had blonde hair, which was either straightened or curled. There were four of them. They all wore the same color; pink. Gross. A girl walked up to myself and Di-uh I mean Robin. This was obviously their 'leader'. She looked like some piece of fairy floss decided to take a dump. 

"Hey Dick," She said, all bubbly and looking like a complete tart in her mini skirt, "The girls and I missed you! Where have you been?" 

"Hey Chelsea. I've been traveling with my dad." He replied. Ah, so that's where he got to.

"Oh yes, Mr Bruce Wayne. You really must invite me over one day to meet him." This girl was obviously into him. I was setting up mental machine guns there and then. 

Woah Lucy. Calm down. 

"Well, he is a very busy man. Maybe one day." Robin said, very warily. Chelsea smiled and walked back over to her vomit pile of friends. 

"Isn't she all fairy floss and gossip!" I quietly said. 

"Yeah, she is into me. She has been ever since the second grade. She wants to come over and you know, do that typical love thing. I don't feel anything when I am with her. I am waiting for somebody to come along that does give me that feeling. Then, I will bring her home." Robin explained. 

I knew the feeling. But, he seemed to be the one giving me that feeling. 

We had Humanities, leaning about ancient Japan. I met up with Amelia outside my locker, along with Robin. Whilst Robin was distracted, Amelia pulled me away. "How the hell did you get Dick Greyson to talk to you?" I shrugged.

"He started talking to me first. I guess we just became friends the minute we started talking. Why is that so surprising to you?" I asked her.

"It is surprising because he has never really gotten close to a girl in a space of about an hour. He must like you!" Amelia said a little too loudly. 

"Hey, calm down. He couldn't like me, we only just met." 

"Don't you believe in love at first sight? Come on. I give it a week and he will ask you over to his house to meet his dad." Robin came over to us. 

"So, what are talking about ladies?" He asked, trying to sound seductive. Totally worked, for me anyway. I think it worked for Amelia, not to sure. She just kept looking at me with a smirk across her face. 

"We were talking about how you so totally should invite Lucy over to your house." Amelia gave me an evil eye, I blushed.

"Sure! You want to come over after school Lucy? No need to get somebody to take you and give you a lift home, my driver will do that." Robin's smile was nothing like I had ever seen before. I swore I was as bright as a tomato.

"Uh, yeah. I would love to." I tried to smile. This was giving me a heart attack.

"Okay, see you after school. I'll meet you at your locker!" Robin called as he ran to his next class down the hall.

"He invited you over earlier than I thought." Amelia rose one eye brow and paired it with a smirk.

My heat skipped a beat.

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