Author's Note

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Hello darlings! 💗

Yes, you read it right. An AbhiRa story. A LOT OF PEOPLE had been requesting me for a while now so here we are. I'm not sure about how it will turn out considering my next-to-nothing connection with them now but... let's see! 🤭

Some important things I want to notify you all :

1. It's CANON DIVERGENCE. Means, it follows the show until the 3rd generation to the point where Akshara returns from Pune. (There might be some changes as I haven't watched even a promo of previous generations, just have googled it for the sake of the story so bear with me). In this story, Akshara won't be returning from Pune and from then on, the story changes from the canon.

2. Like I've warned in the description, it contain themes which can be highly triggering for a lot of people so BE CAUTIOUS before proceeding with this story because it isn't going be like other stories of mine. Don't complain later as you've been warned!

3. When we're going through a story, I've frequently been asked questions like ‘why is this happening ?’ or ‘make this character do this’ etcetera etcetera. Guys, when I add a description of the story pay attention! When I add Character Sketch, pay attention! Because through it, I'm telling beforehand that how a character is and how is he/she gonna behave. Specially, when I add tags, I don't add them randomly. If you notice, you'll realize they are intuned with the story. Giving you guys an idea what to expect.

Phew! That was long. 😅

Anyways, ending my prattle here and leaving you guys in the comments to let me know your thoughts on the story.

Lots of love,
Your Mareeza Author. ❤️

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