Chapter 4 : It Suits You

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When Abhimanyu returned to the room, he found Akshara sitting on the couch with his mother. She also had changed back to her clothes and was REPLYING to his mother's talks lightly.

Okay. Progress.

“Arrey Abhi!” - his mother said making him groan.

“Maa... how many times I have told you to not call me Abhi! It makes me feel like a child!” - he whined and his mother laughed.

But Akshara's eyes widened that diverted his attention. Had he said something that interested her ?

“I will take your leave now. Harsh will be waiting for me at breakfast.” - Manjiri said standing up but bent down to kiss Akshara's forehead. “I am pleased to meet you Akshara. Do come home someday. Take care.” - she said with a loving smile.

Akshara gave a small smile in return that gave Abhimanyu some hope. Maybe she will not think about suicide now... he desperately hoped so.

“And you too Abhimanyu.” - his mother emphasized, making him smile, before she left the room.

He walked towards Akshara and took a seat beside her.

“I don't like being called Akshu either.”

His head snapped to her in surprise. Since last night, it was the first thing she had said herself. Without asking. Plus, her not being fond of nicknames like him added to the surprise.

“My sister... half-sister actually. She knows it and deliberately calls me Akshu just to anger me.” - she said, a sad smile coming over her face.

“And your family ?” - he asked in a soft tone.

“Well... when I was little they used to call me Akshu as well but I made it quite clear that either address me by name or don't at all.” - she said, a hint of annoyance coming to her face and his heart leaped with joy. At least, she was showing emotions.


“So Akshhh...” - he trailed off mischievously, pretending like he was going to say Akshu.

“Don't you dare call me that!” - she threatened and he chuckled.

“No. I wouldn't.” - he shook his head. “Not only because you don't like it but also because it doesn't suit you.”

She blinked at him, perplexed.

“Akshu sounds like a tomboy girl with a taste of pop music and loud colours. But you are Akshara. Spreading light hues in the air. Evolved into the slow and musical notes of classic that are melancholic but peaceful to the soul.” - he explained.

She stared at him mutely. Surprise evident on her face. And he smiled.

“So... let's talk about your sessions.” - he approached the topic carefully.

She blinked again. Like broken out of some trance and cleared her throat.

“Sessions ?” - she reiterated.

“Yes. What time will be convenient for you ?” - he asked.

He deliberately opted out asking her agreement for the sessions at the first place. Because he feared she would want to skip those and that couldn't happen. They were highly essential for her.

She went deep into thinking. But he waited patiently. Giving her all the time she needed.

“What days have been fixed for my sessions ?” - she asked.

He sighed internally. He had expected that question. But the difficulty was answering it with PROPER words as to not cause her stress.

“I was thinking... daily an hour ?” - he asked cautiously.

She went into thinking mode again. But the fact she didn't react negatively hearing that caused him relief. It seemed, the meeting with his mother had affected her in some way.

“Well... my classes get off by 4. So I guess... whatever time after it.” - she said at last.

He contained his sigh of relief within himself.

“6 PM ?” - he offered and she nodded her head. “So it's decided then. From 6 to 7 daily in the evening.” - he declared with a smile.

“Now tell me, are you okay with coming here or do you want us to meet somewhere else ?” - he asked tenderly.

“No. It's fine. If we'll meet here then your management would see you are taking sessions.” - she said and his heart went out to her.

A girl who had given up on life was postponing her suicidal schemes just to help a failing doctor. Wasn't it heartbreaking ?

“Thank you so much Akshara.” - his voice was just above a whisper. His gaze revering.

She smiled that small smile of hers again. Her eyes were still the same as last night. Plain and empty. But the smile still made her look prettier. And he wondered, how would she look like when she would smile wholeheartedly with shining eyes ?

“You should smile often Akshara. It suits you.” - he said, smiling himself.

She averted her eyes. And he realized with a paining heart that she was not used to of compliments.

“I want to go now.” - she said after a while.

He bit his lip. He knew she had agreed on the sessions but how could he be sure she won't think about ending her life again ? Her condition was extremely sensitive at this point. Anything could trigger her.

“Okay. But... note down my number please.” - he said and grabbed a pen and notebook from the table. “By the way, your phone was not there in the bathroom stall.” - he informed her as he wrote down his number and also his mother's.

“Yeah. I don't carry my phone with me often. Nobody calls me nor I anyone so why bother.” - she told him simply.

His hand stopped writing for a moment. The thing was so deep and painful which she had said so simply and calmly. Like it was a process of nature to be accepted as it is.

He composed himself and finished penning down the numbers.

“I think you would need to change that habit. Because I am going to bother you quite often.” - he told her, handing over the paper. “And my mother loves to talk a lot.” - he added with a grin.

A spark came to her eyes for a friction of second when she realized he had given her his mother's contact as well. And his belief picked roots. She did seem affected by his mother. In a positive way. And he realized, his mother was going to play a huge role in pulling his patient back to life.

They stood together and he walked her out of the hospital. The rays of the morning sun fell over them. The noise of the vehicles increasing in volume as they stopped outside the gate of the hospital.

“How will you go ?” - he asked.

“Probably a cab.” - she replied.

“My car is here. The driver will drop you.” - he offered, praying inwardly for her to accept it.

Not only he would get to know where her hostel was, but it will also ensure she would reach safely. He still was wary of her suicidal thoughts and didn't want to take chances.

“No it's okay. I-”

“Please ?” - his tone was pleading as well. Coaxing and gentle.

“Okay.” - she agreed.

He smiled brightly. The driver came with the car and he opened the backseat door for her. She got seated and he closed the door shut.

“Let me know when you reach home and... stay safe.”

The words he had been wanting to say were ‘keep breathing’ but refrained.

“Take care.” - he concluded softly.

And she smiled feebly again.

The car started and she got farther and farther. Before finally disappearing from the sight.

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